Komentar :
Andi Pebriananta (28/04/2018 01:10)
Entah knp rasa gudegnya ngambang... Koyor dan kreceknya enak sih.
andre santoso (03/02/2018 02:47)
Nasii gudeg disini sangat populer baik bagi orang Semarang maupun luar kota lainnya. Menyediakan menu nasi gudeg khas Jogja dengan aneka pilihan lauk seperti ayam suwir, telur, koyor, dan lainnya.
-Lokasi mudah dijangkau
-Rasa enak, harga standard
-Tempat nyaman dan bersih
-Bila kesiangan menu koyor sering habis
-Sering antri panjang pada jam makan pagi dan siang
dwi prasetyo (23/12/2017 08:47)
Jam 13.30 sampai.., kata tukang parkir Gudeg Abimanyu sudah tutup karena sudah habis.., tapi ngga begitu kecewa soalnya ada "Tengkleng dan sate kambing pak Manto" jauh lebih memuaskaaan.. 👍
Obin Napitupulu (10/05/2017 11:29)
One of the best "gudeg" in semarany , must try
Stefanus Sugiarto (19/11/2015 02:27)
I've been coming to this place for years now. It serves up very traditional Javanese Food Gudeg. The way the Gudeg is served is a little bit different from more traditional Gudeg that is popular in Yogyakarta or Solo. As you can see from the picture I've attached, there's more coconut soup in the plate compared to Gudeg Jogja. At any rate, here's my review of the place:
Place : It's a 'warung' or hawker in the corner of parking space. The place itself is nothing special.
Cleanliness : Average for a warung makan in Semarang. Relatively clean table and utensils in an outdoor environment.
Food: Delicious and on the sweet side of the scale for Gudeg. You can ask for the "sambal goreng" to make it a bit more spicy. If you love to try out different varieties of Gudeng, and there are many, this is a certifiable GO, a must try in Semarang.
Overall: 7/10. Nothing but good eats here, no frills. Arrive way before 3pm if possible because they tend to run out of their daily supply if you are cutting it close.