Komentar :
fajrul falah (27/07/2017 00:06)
My campus
DRYDAY (19/02/2017 03:26)
One of the best law schools in Indonesia, feels proud to be part in this faculty.
Aldhika Fisky Santoso (12/11/2016 05:45)
Law faculty of Universitas Diponegoro for undergraduate, on the active hour the traffic around these buildings is quite busy
Febriant Argadie (16/09/2016 08:37)
So artistic building
Arthur Pande (07/08/2013 16:54)
It's a huge building. My future's there
Adry Setyawan (19/02/2017 03:26)
One of the best law schools in Indonesia, feels proud to be part in this faculty.
Mahendra Rigo (18/03/2016 08:00)
Your future prosecutor
annafi rafa (06/06/2016 02:06)
Megah bingittttt perjuangan pembangunan sangat indah
Rohmat Hidayatuloh (18/05/2016 22:20)
Fakultas hukum di tembalang merupakan kampus baru yang megah. Bentuk gedungnya banyak tiangnya dan mirip bangunan kantor Mahkamah Konstitusi
Gunadi, S.Pd. (10/05/2016 22:05)
Gedung kuliah fakultas hukum Undip.