Komentar :
AP Edi Atmaja (26/10/2017 11:33)
The campus of the legends.
Jessu Okriandinata (22/04/2017 11:24)
The second campus of Diponegoro University, that is located at Pleburan near the Simpang Lima area.
iman prastyo (18/02/2017 09:30)
old and historical campus from of the the best uni in central java. bit old but still good to hang around here
Edwin Ferdian (28/11/2015 04:18)
the old campus. located in Central district.
Ekki Indri (19/09/2013 02:21)
My lovely campus :*
fajaryan wijananto (19/07/2016 10:10)
Wahyu Dwi Pambudi (09/07/2016 13:50)
Slaah satu kampus terbaik di Indonesia
prasaja mukti (05/06/2016 12:05)
Tempatnya rindang meskipun ada di pusat kota. Kondusif.
Putranto Adhi Nugroho (06/03/2016 06:24)
Universitas Diponegoro, kampus pleburan ini di khususkan untuk study S2
Sentot Suseno (22/01/2014 12:55)
mantep deh undip