Komentar :
Arief Nugroho (09/04/2018 16:58)
Good food. Mostly they offer Indonesian-taste cuisine. They also provide small place for moslems to take prayers. If you expect modern gastronomic atmosphere, this place should be skipped from your list.
Damairia Pakpahan (21/03/2018 03:09)
I like the food here, my husband and my girl too. Yummy food, superb!
abel kusuma (05/01/2018 00:41)
Their nasi langgi was very delicious and cheap, but their service was a bit slow
Evita Ismira (03/01/2018 12:47)
The place is nice, but the meals are just okay
Adisunu Atmadi (27/12/2017 01:35)
Nice restaurant with Indonesian and international foods. Lies in hectic area near ofices in central of Semarang
Arif Yanuar (09/11/2017 13:14)
Chanadia Restaurant
It's a nice place to enjoy some food or drink with family and special friend.
The luxury service, cleaned place and nice rate. So lets go in chanadia..
for the mont any 10%discon.
Glenn RCHD (31/10/2017 02:33)
Nice place..
But not fast enough to serve..
So-so atmosphere..
Lee A (17/10/2017 12:21)
So so standard compare to grand price which looked fair but its not that true since the portion is more likely small to medium. Provided traditional menu more to Javanese cuisines and some ordinary bakery stuffs. Not that much impressive for the taste itself, rawon soup was even too sweet and Nasi kuning was just flat. We've ordered 4 menus ( pecel, sate, nasi kuning, rawon and nasi putih), felt enough as nothing to addiction. I reckon this spot is suitable for meeting since it's less crowd and noise with opening early as benefit to cope the breakfast hunters. Can't expect more. There's bird aquarium , its nice to put up the cozy atmosphere. Place is clean with aircon. Service bit taking time.
ratna hapsari (27/08/2017 05:51)
suitable for families. the foods are good.
R.M Isa (24/08/2017 00:49)
This look like old boring family restaurant. Price fairly reasonable. Tried nasi campur and tasted like nasi kotak arisan. Lot of mosquitoes, very annoying.
Teguh Prayogo Sudarmanto (22/07/2017 02:37)
Love the desert and ice here. The tase of those are so good even I usually take two deserts in one visit.
ZUBAIDI AR (02/07/2017 23:35)
stephanus tanisan (04/06/2017 12:02)
Nice birds...
Obin Napitupulu (10/05/2017 02:26)
Nice food for breakfast
TV Adek Genit (01/04/2017 15:05)
Delicious food and cozy place
Iwan Setyawan (01/04/2017 12:31)
Nice food, strategic location.
ahmad ariandi (02/03/2017 15:05)
not bad
Juniarti Rahayu (18/02/2017 02:36)
Parkir cukup nyaman, tempat asik, cozy bingits, menu komplit plit pliittt... aneka masakan nusantara, mau makanan ringan juga tersedia. Atau sekedar mencari dessert ini tempatnya...
Robertus Gandy (26/01/2017 17:52)
Nice food local Semarang
alldreeAbyna Syafira (13/10/2016 15:08)
Family restaurant
Ignatius Handoko (08/03/2016 11:22)
Nice food, nice atmosphere, easy parking
Inna Alamsyah (04/10/2016 07:20)
Baru sekali ke tempat ini buat brunch bersama anak, ya oke lah harganya sekitar 20 rb s/d 35 rb plus2, menyediakan sarapan traditional juga dan ada sudut bakery & cake nya.
Dicky Zahkria Iman (28/08/2016 14:50)
Enak...tempatnya juga nyaman
prof f (24/05/2016 11:26)
Kelebihan: menu komplit, rasa lumayan, suasana bagus.
Kekurangan: harga tidak sebanding dengan jumlah (ukuran daging, lauk, dll). Pengunjung yang datang sendirian kurang dipedulikan dibandingkan yang beramai2. Padahal melayani yang banyak dulu itu sangat lama.
Awan Saja (01/04/2016 06:49)
komplit menunya..... masakan Indonesia cina western.... semua ada.... harganya masuk akal lah
gilang rizal (10/03/2016 04:57)
Aneka menu nusantara ada disini