Komentar :
Cut Atthiya Keumala (22/05/2018 13:01)
Tempatnya nyaman dan sejuk. Tersedia mushala dan toilet. Makanannya simple dan enak. Highly recommended.
Hanaa Farida (06/04/2018 13:25)
Pertama masuk kaget. Ternyata tempatnya luas bangettttt dan bagusssss. Adem dan asri. Lalu pas mesen makanan agak kaget sm harganya yg diatas rata2. Tapi setelah makanan nya dateng, wawwwwww enak banget. Saya langsung nambah pesenan lagi. Soalnya enak jadi saya ikhlas ngeluarin uang banyak. Cocok buat buka bersama atau rapat2 gitu. Oiya satu lagi, parkiran nya lebar sekali loh. Bisa buat main bola hehehe
yulia fatmawati (29/03/2018 08:39)
nice place.... delicious noodles
rien nakki (27/02/2018 08:01)
Comfy place.. Good food..
Aldo Alviano (06/01/2018 05:44)
They have a very nice place. It's big, so you'll never have to worry about not getting any table there. They also got toilet and mushola. The minus is, there are no wifi, last time I checked, the food taste average, nothing outstanding, the prices are also not that cheap, and the parking lot is still paved, which is very uncomfortable even when I'm walking, because there are a lot of holes here and there. I hope they fixed it, and improved the taste of their food a lot.
Luthfi Nurhakim (07/09/2017 02:29)
Nice food, nice place and cozy too
Abid Affandi Wedatama (15/04/2017 01:08)
A huge resto in Tembalang area with a great parking lot. Such a good place to bring your big family or team. You can also book this place if you have an event. Good surroundings and reasonable price of food, i love this place!
Bayu Wicaksono (26/10/2017 11:56)
Bakmi have it's signature taste! Delicious!
Arizal Efendi (28/09/2017 10:34)
Cozy place, the food is delicious, friendly waiters.
Aditya Surya (02/08/2017 11:15)
Good place.
Dina Hisan (16/06/2017 15:01)
The parking lot is rather big, the praying room is bright and clean
biwo birowo (05/05/2017 04:56)
Come with friends Anda familys. No trouble parking. Cozy atmosphere. Delicious food drinks everything.
my rose (12/04/2017 15:10)
Menunya agak kurang bervariasi. Sekitaran mie, nasi goreng, penyetan...
Nyoba mie goreng komplit, nasi goreng ayam jamur nya enak semua.. Porsinya kecil, kasihan bagi yg suka makan banyak..
Tempat asik buat nongkrong..
Parkir luas..
Ertia Medista (03/04/2017 17:02)
Not really recomended for those people with big portion of meal (like me.. :))
nuni erawati (14/02/2017 23:31)
Tempatnya nyaman dan masakannya enak
uminur halimah (11/02/2017 12:15)
Hanya tempatnya yg bagus.. Menu nya biasa aja
hari respati (25/01/2017 04:27)
Good view n hang out
Fiqri Al Amin (27/11/2016 05:44)
Just Great
Faaa Nofa (10/11/2016 11:47)
Cozy place