Komentar :
Nadila Yulianti (12/05/2018 09:06)
May good job
Hadi Rizki Rosady (10/12/2017 03:05)
Best fried chicken
Roisa A (14/04/2017 02:47)
Black paper fav
Jojo AM (05/04/2017 14:56)
Vast dining area, great place
Sainul Hermawan (26/08/2016 07:04)
Too much KFC all over the world.
Qori Reader (06/07/2016 11:08)
I love eating fried chicken in general.
This spot is cozy though serves regular meal like fried chicken. Sometimes I take KFC as my dinner option after wandering around Duta Mall besides another fried chicken franchise. If its crowded, dont waste your time to wait. I find that most of busiest time, the employee and cashier have lack of them.
Muhammad Noor (10/08/2017 16:45)
Antrinya terlalu lama , bs jenuh jg apalagi ajak anak2 dan saos nya berubah dulu kfc no 1 di hati aku karena perubahan saos jadi tdk pernah lagi datang .
Muhammad Albartini SPd (23/07/2017 06:15)
Good place
gusti taufik (14/02/2017 08:37)
Tersedianya ruangan utk acara ulang tahun anak2 serta EOS nya sangat pas utk menggelar acara ulang tahun disini