Komentar :
bagus tumblefold (25/01/2018 16:52)
Budget inn for backpackers. They provide private bathroom, and AC
Hendra Putra (24/07/2017 01:55)
Old skool place
Teguh Susanto (20/11/2014 11:18)
I need the number please
I'll booking
Sri Hidayati (13/08/2013 23:40)
All rented rooms are only 150 000 IDR
Eko Cahyono (17/07/2013 09:57)
Best place, cheap, clean, safe
Arnold Hutapea (22/09/2017 02:19)
Kamar tidur n kamar mandi bersih, tempat nyaman, parkir kendaraan luas, harga tidak menguras kantong.
Nafisha Aurelia (24/08/2017 15:55)
Murah meriah.cocok buat pekerja yang sering dinas dibanyuwangi
JT Sahabat Reny Farida (27/02/2017 04:19)
📢 Sahabat Reny Farida (SRF), Said together;
📣Ajiiibbb... !!! 👍🏁👍🏁👍🏁👍🏁👍🏁
Binsar Napitupulu (07/02/2017 21:03)
No drugs & no prostitution. Cocok buat nginap keluarga