Komentar :
I Gede Wicaksana (22/08/2019 15:04)
So this terminal is quite clean. My experience come to this therminal when i want go to yogyakarta from banyuwangi.
I have been looked the schedule, quite complete
Backpacker Kawah Ijen (11/02/2019 07:05)
There is already a tourist information that can be used for initial info when just coming to Bali on a bus.
Catalin Chereji (15/05/2017 14:14)
Beware of scammers. The second driver asked us for 150.000 per person for a ticket to Probolinggo. He insisted, even though it was clearly written that it costs 60.000. We had to ask the terminal guard to intervene and in the end we paid the right price. This scammer driver was a short guy with red hair and an earring. Beware in case you meet him
Arifin Bali (08/04/2017 15:04)
Just edited the location. Current location is more accurate.
M Merritt (12/12/2015 05:55)
Doesn't exist. Took me to a random neighborhood. Do yourself a favor and take a taxi to the terminal.
Matthew Lee Merritt (12/12/2015 05:55)
Doesn't exist. Took me to a random neighborhood. Do yourself a favor and take a taxi to the terminal.
aby bam (31/07/2018 04:19)
Ini adalah terminal terahir.selanjutnya kita bisa naik angkutan kota.
Subroto kaliangkrik (01/06/2018 06:04)
Turun dari bis mau ke pelabuhan ketapang jangan lupa pake aplikasi Gojek ya. yang Go car juga ada
rio junaedy (30/09/2017 10:46)
Hati2 terhadap sopir angkot yang seenaknya menaikkan ongkos terutama angkot jurusan pelabuhan ketapang
Lebih baik tanyakan dulu berapa ongkos untuk pergi ke tempat tujuan supaya tidak tertipu
elok sarikartiningtyas (12/09/2017 15:45)
Sudah ada tourist information yg bs dimanfaatkan untuk info awal ketika baru datang ke bwi naik bis.
Mgkn sebagai usulan, gmn kalau kondisi terminal di percantik, biar kelhtan lbh bersih dan menarik, jg jalan aspalnya yg dah byk yg mengelupas
home stay sewa motor subur (27/04/2017 10:13)
Matt Merritt (12/12/2015 05:55)
Doesn't exist. Took me to a random neighborhood. Do yourself a favor and take a taxi to the terminal.
AryZ RiValdHye (27/02/2015 05:52)
Sangat memuaskn 😃