Komentar :
Marfa U (06/04/2018 07:51)
Banyak aneka kopi dengan harga yang terjangkau, tempat yang sering banget dijadikan tempat kumpul oleh mahasiswa, tempatnya juga terbilang unik sih, eamai terus juga rasanya. Tersedia juga aneka cemilan, namun kadang nggak begitu nyaman dengan banyaknya asap rokok.
Bagas Pamungkas (29/12/2017 15:41)
Best coffe shop ever
Nyong Egi (09/12/2017 16:05)
Good place to relax
Andre Mirza (09/08/2017 03:54)
very little cjoice of coffee beans, and not so good presentation
Hanifan Satria (14/01/2017 15:35)
Great place to chill the night with your besties ! High quality coffee with cheap price .
Anang Yoga (09/08/2016 07:25)
This place has good coffee and the price is cheap as well. Good combo for college students!
Hendy Yono (19/10/2017 15:16)
Fani Trias (30/06/2017 10:52)
super cozy
Andrean Farandy Rachman (21/05/2017 00:52)
The cheapest place to hangout!
Rifki Adrian (06/03/2017 13:45)
Comfy place
anan ariana (29/12/2016 03:19)
Not bad
Ardia Nuralimade (20/12/2016 17:34)
Kopi Bowongso dan warak nya top
Abdul Harish Faqih (16/11/2016 17:06)
Good place for enjoying night. Cheers
Vincentius Kedang (15/09/2016 11:26)
Tempatnya nyaman banget klo malem, buka 24 jam pula.
Irham Catur (27/02/2016 05:15)
Recommended buat ngopi di kala senja
Denis Joharian (12/02/2016 11:21)
Lumayan lah disini teman says yangng jadi baristanya Mr.owie
Ika Wahyu S. (09/02/2016 07:16)
Ana nggon kopi nylemped nang kene jebul. Kapan2 ngopi kene lah.
Firdaus ilyas chaniv (31/01/2016 13:32)
Kopi kopi kopi!!!
teguh sisprihati (04/09/2015 14:21)
Ngopi ndisit ben ana bedane :)