Komentar :
wahyu maulana endris (13/05/2018 00:44)
Warung makan enak dan murah, cocok untuk mahasiswa. Warung makan baruna menyediakan makanan seperti capcay sayur, capcay goreng, tahu tempe bacem, ayam bakar dan goreng, mie ayam dan kwetiaw goreng, serta berbagai macam makanan lainnya. Bisa dibungkus maupun dimakan ditempat.
Fathan Rifardi (25/02/2018 15:55)
They serve many kinds of Indonesian food here. We can choose it by ourself. The price here is still reasonable. We can buy it for dine in or take away. They provide a place for dine in. Good location, near the Unsoed central campus. The taste is good. A good option to eat for student around the Unsoed campus.
Jemmy Setiawan (30/12/2017 13:01)
Yg kuliah di unsoed pasti tau tempat ini
Banyak pilihan makanan
Harga mahasiswa lah ya pastinya
Rizak Yusan (01/12/2017 00:10)
Harga mahal walau cuma bbrp sayur tok tanpa nasi, penjual judes.. not recommended 🙁
Hafyd Copperfieldz (20/01/2017 03:04)
inget jaman ngekost 😂