Komentar :
Gizzie Sugiswo (21/05/2018 21:28)
This is one of the best water park in Central Java. It is worth to visit it's located in Bojongsari, the reason behind the name "Obyek Wisata Air Bojongsari, OWABONG Purbalingga . The water supplies is pure springs. It is surrounded with many plants and trees that enhance the water park. Families and couples can enjoy the rides, wave pool, go kart, 4D thrill, swimming pool and even hot pool that including fish therapy. Where else you wanna go? This place is relaxing and enjoyable.
Yeni Wahyu (17/05/2018 07:19)
the best choice for playing with family on waterboom..and doctor fish..😄😄😄
Azk Entertainment (09/04/2018 00:35)
FLASHBACK - Hari Ahad tanggal 16 September 2012 aku dan ibuku bertamasya ke Owabong bersama rombongan keluarga SMP Islam Sultan Agung 03 Kriyan Jepara. Pagi itu sekitar jam 04.30 aku sudah bangun. Setelah sholat subuh dan sarapan pagi aku dan ibu menuju SMP Islam Sultan Agung 03 Kriyan Jepara tempat kami berkumpul. Pukul 06.00 kami berangkat menggunakan bus ber – AC.
Dalam perjalanan, aku merasa senang karena aku dapat melihat keindahan alam, diantaranya gunung yang menjulang dihiasai persawahan dan sungai yang berliku. Jam 12.00 sampailah kami di Banjarnegara. Kami makan dan sholat serta beristirahat sejenak, jam 13.00 kami melanjutkan perjalanan. Setelah beberapa menit, sampailah kami di Owabong Kabupaten Purbalingga.
Di Owabong, banyak sekali permainan air, terapi ikan, terapi menggunakan air panas dan museum pesawat. Aku mencoba terapi ikan, untuk terapi ikan membayar Rp 15.000,00 per orang. Kumasukkan kakiku ke dalam kolam penuh ikan yang siap memakan sel kulit mati di kakiku. Ha…ha…ha… geli sekali. Setelah puas dengan terapi ikan, aku dan ibuku jalan-jalan mengelilingi taman di Owabong.
Aku melihat museum pesawat dan mengajak ibu untuk masuk ke dalamnya. Harga tiket masuk museum pesawat terbang adalah Rp 5.000,00 per orang. Aku melihat sejarah diciptakannya pesawat dan melihat bermacam-macam model pesawat. Setelah puas befoto-foto di dalam museum pesawat, aku dan ibu bermaksud keluar dari taman. Aku melihat orang berpakaian spongebob, mickey mouse, pouh, dll. Timbul keinginanku untuk berfoto bersama mereka. Aku foto bersama mickey mouse dan spongebob, lalu kami menuju pintu keluar. Aku dan ibuku kembali ke bus yang kami tumpangi tadi.
Rombongan keluarga SMP Islam Sultan Agung 03 Kriyan Jepara melanjutkan perjalanan ke lokasi kebun binatang. Di kebun binatang ada berbagai macam hewan diantaranya bermacam jenis burung, tupai, kelelawar, rusa, dll. Disana juga ada aquarium raksasa berisi ikan yang besar. Sebelum meninggalkan kota Purbalingga, rombongan kami singgah di pusat oleh-oleh. Ibu membeli gethuk Sukaraja dan kripik belut. Sesudah itu sholat magrib dan makan di sebuah restoran walaupun makanannya sederhana tetapi rasanya sangat lezat. Perjalanan pulang kami, dimulai jam 19.00, di perjalanan itu aku tertidur karena sangat mengantuk dan lelah. Akhirnya kami sampai di rumah jam 02.00 WIB pagi.
Marfa U (08/04/2018 11:39)
Good place to swim, cuma sabar2 aja ngantri.
Angela Dwi Pangestika (02/04/2018 15:27)
Good place to have fun with the family. The water is fresh and cold. They have wave pool, a pool where you can swim with the fish, stream pool, water bucket, Olympic size pool, giant water slide. They also have a gokart track and warm water pool.
Big place. You need to watch your stuffs. They provide lockers for rent somewhere I think. You should spend at least half a day there.
Galuh P Ayu (25/02/2018 23:05)
This waterpark is good and quite clean.. but too crowded at weekends..
Isnandi Nursetiyo (24/02/2018 19:57)
This is a renowned waterpark wich fulfilled with very fresh spring water comes from the source inside the site.
Mohammad Ismail (13/01/2018 09:28)
Standard waterpark, the biggest in the area. The places is huge, low prices for ticket and food. Mendoan(rare to medium fried tempeh) is recomended
andy winsend (28/12/2017 09:42)
Best place to have fun with family, play water. Especially the water is from mountain, so cold and fresh! Great job Owabong !
sony novian (20/11/2017 23:54)
Great experience, its BIG, its fresh water from the mountain and you got warm water flow as well. Good food options
Dinda Araminta (11/10/2017 04:15)
Cheap ticket for entrance but you still pay more if you wanna take ride on gokart or "sepeda air"
Greeg Titan Ryuji (21/09/2017 13:55)
OMG how can the ticket be that cheap? You just have to spend around 20k-30k rupiah to enjoy almost the whole facilities. Rate it 5/5
Aditya indro waskito (12/09/2017 01:11)
Recomend banget buat keluarga yang mau refreshing.
Fathan Rifardi (15/08/2017 23:05)
One of the best waterpark in central java province. The price for the ticket is cheap. Here is always so crowded especially in holiday.
Windu Tri Leksana (12/08/2017 04:37)
Quiet place on the morning, fresh water, cool air to breathe..
Muchammad Nur Hidayat (09/08/2017 22:38)
This is the greatest water park at purbalingga.
een widy (23/07/2017 11:54)
The place is nice, the pool and the rides his game a lot .. more importantly his water does not use chlorine .. increase it again
Mauliddin Moko (07/07/2017 01:56)
Nice place for holiday with family
Ratna Apriliana (06/05/2017 00:19)
A big waterpark in Purbalingga😍
Puput Riani (22/03/2017 16:14)
Try second slide for twice 😂. I feel sink, but when raise up shocked that just around 1 meters pool deep 😂
Fida Pradipta (20/03/2017 01:28)
Good place, many facilities, pure and fresh water, cheap enough.
Pemburu Dollar (26/02/2017 09:46)
Was visited n nice place
Slamet Apriyanto (22/02/2017 07:24)
Zaa Bulettt (05/11/2016 05:08)
The best waterpark in banyumas. Awesome
Remy Syahdeini (23/09/2016 10:23)
Hot water pool and fish therapy simply outstanding. Not to mention there's gokart arena. Women only pool also available
Arif Rahmat Pariz (09/03/2016 05:41)
Nice place for relaxation and holiday in the water park...gookart...submerged hot water..fish treatment...etc
yusmianto use (05/10/2016 08:58)
Airnya sejuk alami
Wahana airnya reltif komplit
Harga tiket masuknya murah
Note : Marking di map sesuai aktual
yusuf setyadi (30/08/2016 13:48)
Waterboom owabong aseewk
Kaze Maru (12/07/2016 12:00)
Lumayan bagus
Eston Erlangga (27/05/2016 19:51)
Waterboom nya keren, bikin deg-deg an, dan dijaga baik oleh pengawas di lokasi mulai luncurnya. Gokartnya jg seru tp butuh peremajaan.
pramudiyanto wadjidi (02/04/2016 07:19)
A nice place to have time with family, a water park for you and your family
bo nyit (31/03/2016 09:13)
Asik nggo dus dusan
Titik Pancawati Pancawati (21/03/2016 17:35)
Sukes terus