Komentar :
roellaundry (11/06/2019 18:39)
Ok recommended
Robs XVII (12/01/2019 22:53)
Good food, good place to eat family dinner.. banyak kenangan sejak kecil disini..
Iqbal Syamsu (07/01/2019 11:19)
Nice place and food. However it needs improvement in terms of facilities and price, because there are some other places around with the similar offer with a competitive price.
Tietha Birgitta (28/12/2018 06:20)
I'm sorry but I have to give 1 star. I'm really dissatisfied with the service. We ordered only 3 menus and it took 90 minutes for its to come only the 1 menu. The others? Don't ask. They weren't ready for the holiday season, lack of personals. The good place and scenery doesn't help my patience. Really! Please improve your service.
Ita Hanika (23/08/2018 10:04)
A good place to have a dine with family and also the children. You can sit near the pond or in the dining table, also you can ask your children to feed the fish or play the ducklings. The taste is just average but the price is so affordable and the staff are really friendly.
Dian Probowati (18/07/2018 04:17)
Good restaurant for family visit in Purwokerto. Serve ‘lesehan’ foods likegurame goreng, cah kangkung, ayam goreng, etc. the foods are delicious. Good taste! Good views. There’s some activity your kids can do at restaurant such a swimmig, horse riding, fishing, ATV, playing duck water (all with extra charged starts from Rp 15.000).
Dodi Zain (08/03/2018 05:00)
The place is cozy... nice atmosphere and view
Arief Sukaryadi (16/06/2019 16:03)
No more attractive event like horse and duck boat...
Silverheart XVII (12/01/2019 22:53)
Good food, good place to eat family dinner.. banyak kenangan sejak kecil disini..
ale chandra (30/04/2018 14:18)
Yuzagi Cassiopeia (28/01/2018 16:01)
Complete packet.... i enjoy with facility...
Mufida Latif (28/06/2017 08:10)
Convinient and cozyP
Adin Afiyata (31/03/2017 01:13)
Eat with pleasure in Baturraden area. They have fishing pool area
Tabah Ms (20/12/2015 08:03)
Nice Place
Arinta Luhurningtyas (22/11/2017 10:54)
Suka dengan servis dan tempatnya. Makanannya enak serta murah untuk tempat sebagus itu. Lokasi juga bersebelahan dengan hotel tempat menginap.
Setyo G Pramudo (29/07/2017 13:42)
Tempatnya bagus, view pegunungan.Masakan standart.Harga dibanding porsi dan tempatnya, tidak terlalu mahal.Yang asyik karena bersebelahan dg Green Valley Resort, jadi memudahkan cari makan saat menginap di hotel.
Taat Waluyo (21/06/2017 13:30)
Kombinasi waterboom dan restaurant yg sangat pas. Suasananya sangat segar. Tenang, tidak berisik - karena lokasi tidak ditepi jalan. Area parkir cukup luas. Kolam renang anak yg dangkal sangat cocok untuk bermain anak.
VanZone Gaming Indo (24/03/2017 05:06)
Menu enak(tapi mahal)tapi worth it lah,ada pemancingan(warning:ikannya bodoh),penyewaan atv dan kuda,kolam renang,pelayanan ramah,akses parkir lebar,nuansa pedesaan,bagus pokoknya
Fitri Addina (23/02/2017 12:28)
Rasa makanan so so, harga bit pricey, tempat lumayan ok ada kolam ikan, lesehan, permainan atv, horse riding, perahu bebek
Yudi Ismanto (10/01/2017 15:00)
Pernah sengaja kesini mau mancing.... eh ikannya cuma beberapa ekor yang ada di kolam pemancingan, itu saja keliatannya sedang puasa 😆😆
Ixxxan Ixxxan (28/08/2016 12:33)
Kemarin pesan bbrp menu. Khusus ayam pas dicoba ternyata ayamnya dah sepuh. Tak suir2 aja terus tarok lg di piring.
Yona Aprisa (31/05/2016 06:31)
Micky Kie (04/07/2016 00:08)
Gurame gorengnya enak banget garing, ada pemancingan, atv, sepeda air, kolam renang dan banyak permainan anak lainnya. Anak2 pasti suka
Anton C. Hermawan (20/05/2016 17:00)
Ada kolam renangya
Egidia Priatna (08/03/2016 06:56)
cukup baik ;D
Bayu Ferdianto (27/01/2016 09:38)
Rumah makan taman, ada taman bermain buat anak-anak, ada menunggang kuda, ada lesehan, cocok buat kumpul bersama keluarga di akhir pekan