Komentar :
Fairuz Zaki (27/05/2018 12:12)
Lokasi Strategis, tempatnya nyaman dan bersih, koleksi game juga terbilang lengkap dengan harga terjangkau untuk area PWT.
Widodo Wido (09/05/2018 21:56)
Oke man in the shop central game location pwt shop is the best in pwt city
Dominikus Ivan (29/01/2018 11:46)
It's good place for you to buy game equiptment
Fadel Legionaire (13/01/2018 06:03)
they have almost everything
Aditya Budi (27/11/2017 09:15)
Best supplier game's peripheral in town
Ariston Hendro Saputro (22/11/2017 02:25)
Great store, complete collection of games and consoles
Sutito Aan (05/11/2017 10:01)
Well done
Yustinus Hendrawan (27/07/2017 06:18)
Game center
Angga TNT (01/11/2017 23:23)
Tempat terbaik bagi para penggemar playstation
Ardiansyah Tahubulat (27/06/2017 09:28)
Ada memory card ps2 lampu
Rizky Narendra (09/10/2016 13:04)