Komentar :
ibudh hermawan (06/06/2018 09:51)
Sultoni Daswand (03/06/2018 01:50)
I don't like the service who not care with customers. We came late here and we order some food, but after a moment the waiters said that a menu that we ordered closed. Why they didn't tell it first? Because we wait it so much.
By the way, the main menu was good especially the fried Duck " bebek goreng super ". I love the Mushola. This restaurant has Mushola inside and it's quite wide for me as prayer room in restaurant.
Vania Amara (02/06/2018 02:32)
As good as usual
Danny Setiawan (11/05/2018 08:06)
Bebek nya mantap.. Empuk.. Sambel bawang mantappp.. Gobyoss
ifaz fachrul (11/04/2018 03:55)
Enak tempatnya
andre santoso (10/04/2018 04:13)
Restoran masakan Indonesia dengan menu unggulan berupa bebek goreng yang disajikan dengan sambal korek yang pedas.
Lokasi restoran strategis mudah dijangkau.
Pelayanan cepat, kebersihan baik, harga terjangkau.
Tersedia area parkir yang luas.
Thuram Wahyu (13/02/2018 07:53)
Ge (03/01/2018 02:08)
duck meal is so crispy
Yosafat Basuseno (04/07/2017 10:56)
the duck is a bit more expensive than other place. need to reserve a place before or you won't get any.
Fathan Rifardi (02/07/2017 00:59)
One of my favorite place to eat fried duck, the 'sambal korek' is delicious
August Restiawan (20/12/2017 16:49)
Ahmad Kholis (18/12/2017 06:11)
Gojek driver
Heri Kiswanto (09/10/2017 11:39)
ananto dwi (05/07/2017 06:42)
Great place for having lunch
Biyan Widyawan (02/07/2017 16:00)
Taste of the food so yummy
Barkah Saptadi (15/05/2017 17:44)
bebeknya biasa, ga terlalu istimewa.... sambalnya kurang menggigit. tempat bersih, parkir lumayan luas,.... boleh merokok
Crush Burn (29/03/2017 17:29)
anda nyari bebek goreng yg lezat di daerah purwokerto??
BEBEK GORENG H.SLAMET cocok dan pas sekali anda kunjungi.....dijamin anda ngga bakal kecewa....
Wawan Wawan123 (22/03/2017 12:54)
Favorit keluarga...
Eggy TheTransporter (04/03/2017 12:44)
Rasa gak usah dibahas deh....yg bikin kesel udah modal laper nyampe lokasi maaf mas bebeknya abis........😕😕😕 jadi pingin gigitin alas duduknya 😂😂😂😂
Sri Rahmatiah (03/03/2017 05:42)
Bebeknya enaaak
Rujianto Eko Saputro (20/01/2017 11:02)
Bebek nya mak nyus
adi iriyanto (22/05/2016 15:16)
parking area is available. mainstay food fried duck with spicy fried chilli.
yusuf setyadi (21/08/2016 13:12)
Garing diluar empuk didalam, bebek gorengnya maknyus, oseng daun pepaya rekomen
Faqih Bachtiar (28/06/2016 11:34)
bebek goreng remuknya juara
Adi Iriyanto (22/05/2016 15:16)
parking area is available. mainstay food fried duck with spicy fried chilli.
Ika Wahyu S. (05/02/2016 15:41)
Bayu Ferdianto (24/01/2016 11:11)
Mantap bebeknya renyah dan lembut, rekomendasi sekali