Komentar :
Desi Doni (28/05/2018 12:39)
minggu pagi muter2
Muhammad Fadli (28/05/2018 06:34)
Asik untuk joging
Dea Vania Clarissa (22/04/2018 13:32)
Best place to jogging and walking in the morning. But you also can catch some food and meet up with friends in the evening.
Berri Lie Zan (15/04/2018 04:28)
Good but need better public facility, to be cleaner and the seller need to be rearrange.
Rustandi Ramadhan (05/04/2018 02:11)
Taman ini merupakan salah satu taman terbaik di Kota Palembang. Banyak aktivitas dan kegiatan yang dilakukan di taman ini seperti dijadikan area jogging track buat para pecinta lari, ada juga area tamam bermain anak, area fitness outdoor (ada peralatan fitness nya disini. keren). Disetiap pagi di hari minggu dijadikan area bebas kendaraan bermotor dan banyak juga pedagang makanan dan minuman, serta tersedia banyak cafe-cafe buat anak muda gaul yang suka nongkrong bareng teman-teman. Bahkan sering diadakan acara konser musik yang dihadiri oleh musisi lokal kota palembang dan nasional dari acara-acara yang disponsori oleh perushaan. Tiap pagi dan sore, taman ini rame dikunjungi oleh masyarakat kota palembang untuk olahraga lari karena suasananya yang asri dan rindang
Bungsu Lidya (24/03/2018 05:45)
KI is verry nice park for jogging and rilex time
anita zoraya rachmawaty (16/03/2018 05:25)
Car free days at 6-10am
hari wibawa (15/03/2018 00:18)
A good place for hang out with family or to do outdoor sport
icha alisca (11/09/2017 04:54)
I came here to extend my driving licence. The tree make the wind blowing constantly and make it cool.
Roben Syahputra (04/10/2017 16:53)
The place that so many communities make agenda and activity, clean and positive for people have sport
Irvan Karamy Shihab (04/09/2017 08:00)
A nice place to have a fresh air, because it's like a lung for this city. Running also can do in here
Peggy Pallasathena (03/09/2017 12:37)
Car free day setiap minggu
Bambang Ardianto (20/08/2017 05:59)
Crowded in the weekends. Provide tons of traditional food options, also do as online shop garage.
eka wijaya (06/07/2017 00:25)
Good place for taking a walk. Its crowded here especially at saturday n sunday at morning n afternoon. people jogging, skating, walking here
Michael Kesuma (21/06/2017 06:21)
The park was used to do illegal racing. But now it has been upgraded to family park.
Pemuda Mahathir (16/06/2017 04:13)
Because good place, if you want to excersice you can around the ki park
Rizky Novrianto (02/05/2017 02:38)
Great lighting in the night, to bad that there are not much options for hangout surrounding the vicinity.
Kretyowiweko Husnu Hidayatulloh (22/04/2017 12:33)
The Best Place for Leisure Time or Just for workout such as jogging, walking, skateboarding, and in-line-skating
Yodi Wahyu (13/04/2017 08:16)
All playground are broken and no maintenance from government or others companies. So many
Aziz Aja (03/02/2017 16:12)
Great place to visit for jogging, sadly has poorly maintained facility
adi imel (22/12/2016 22:41)
Make more public facility and must keep cleaning the public lavatories because its so dirty
Nina Broughton (13/11/2016 05:12)
Pusat car free day dihari minggu
Edward JW (24/09/2016 09:38)
A place to get some fresh air. Facilities are very poorly maintained however
AG (23/07/2016 16:10)
One of the great park in Palembang. It can be used for walking and jogging. Many trees make this park cozy.
Suwandi Huang (18/09/2016 11:17)
I love this place
stuart surya (03/09/2016 04:07)
Pas buat lari pagi dan sore
fandi andi (14/08/2016 13:49)
Good park and family events
Arsya Ayu Afryadi (12/05/2016 13:48)
Well come to the real indonesia
Antanyz Arc (03/05/2016 16:54)
Running, jogging, and shopping.
Andre eLBe (30/04/2016 16:45)
Hari minggu ada senam sehat sm bnyak sarapan pagi
hafi ayu (27/02/2016 14:25)
Tempat jalan pagi saat sma dulu
Izwan Iqbal (27/11/2015 01:32)
Enak buat jalan sore broo 😊