Komentar :
tony wright (22/05/2018 12:12)
Banaspati Holder (25/04/2018 12:37)
nice place
Jefri Tamba (22/04/2018 15:26)
Nice campus with many amenities: gyms, olímpico oval ice ring, food patio, modern and bright main library 📚 to study 📖 with quiet areas as well, there are others pharmacy in campus, health and wellness office, dental office , and lots of open outsmdoor spaces to study during the summer months and warm fall days.
As a student you will receive support for your research project (at least that's the goal) from your department and from campus services. Is up to the student to succeed but you do get the support you need. I saw a few negative remarks accusing the school of failure but it is post- secondary insitution not a daycare. If students personal and/or health university has plenty of resources to help them go through their trials or guide them to solutions. Resources such as the Dissability Centre (I think they got a new name now) , mental health through the health and wellness centre.
I enjoyed my time at this university and in recent years they have added new buildings in campus. Here are a few pictures from my recent visit in campus.
Himanshu Meerwal (31/12/2017 04:50)
I want to know about your student Aisyah Putry????did she read in your college???
Paslah Rozawi (30/11/2017 15:56)
Ayong Ayong (07/10/2017 04:46)
Muhammad Iqbal Habibullah (22/06/2017 22:57)
Best university in town
Ferry Krisnamurti (30/03/2017 15:21)
We used to call these as Unsri Bukit. Because located in Bukit Besar, and the main college actually in Inderalaya (about 30km from Palembang)
Ong Ayong (07/10/2017 04:46)
Nur Bhara (08/01/2017 02:45)
Rizal Zonex (21/11/2016 10:03)
Love it
muhammad fachrurrozi (25/05/2016 06:17)
second hommy
sulton prio purnomo (24/04/2016 11:44)
The best university
Izwan Iqbal (26/11/2015 15:32)
Best University in Sumatera :D
Jeni Afrika (13/10/2016 11:55)
Adik saya kuliah di UNSRI,, niat dan tekatnya untuk kuliah disana sangat besar.. Sejak dibangku SMA dia sudah bercita cita ingin keperguruan tinggi unipersitas sriwijaya, tp dia tahu bahwa dr ekonomi orang tua tidak memungkinkan dia untuk kuliah di Unsri,, tp dia berkata" apakah mungkin saya bisa kuliah dan mencari ilmu disana?"..terus adik saya mencoba untuk ikut tes Beasiswa agar bisa masuk kuliah di Unsri.. Dgn kebesaran ALLAH SWT akhirnya adik saya bisa kulia diUNSRI dengan mendapatkan bantuan dari pemerintah..saya bangga degan indonesia...Demikianlah cerita perjuangan adik saya untuk bisa kulia diUnsri... Jd kalau ada niat dan kerja keras pasti ada jalan tuk menggapai itu semua tp jangan sampai lupa bardo'a, tanpa do'a semuanya akan siah siah
Fabri Wijaya (21/07/2016 14:05)
Unsri memang oke
Ahmad Khairu Ramdani (13/06/2016 09:54)
universitas negri tempat nongkrong asik
Nurhayati Ana Saputri (11/05/2016 03:30)
Gedung baru FE Unsri, the best👍