About Rice Bowl
Rice Bowl is a restaurant, located at Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto, Petisah Tengah, Medan Petisah, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20111, Indonesia. Visit their website www.ricebowl.co.id for more detailed information.
Rice Bowl is a restaurant, located at Jl. Jend Gatot Subroto, Petisah Tengah, Medan Petisah, Kota Medan, Sumatera Utara 20111, Indonesia. Visit their website www.ricebowl.co.id for more detailed information.
Ayu Rakhmi Pris Purnamasari
" Menu yang ditawarkan saat bulan ramadhan lebih sedikit dibandingkan bulan biasanya "
01 June 2018Bayu Akbar
" Good taste. "
21 May 2018Andi Tenri Elle Hapsari
" The food is so so. Unfortunately the place is not really cozy. The wood walls already torned and its pretty dark inside in the daytime as they didn't turn the lights on.
20 May 2018Oh and the food is similar with other rice bowl, only the vegetables doesn't look fresh. Maybe because this rice bowl in Green Terace doesnt has many visitor... "
Indrawan Saputra
" Gerai Resto Rice Bowls hadir di Green Terrace Taman Mini Indonesia.
19 May 2018Lokasinya berada satu atap dengan Cuppa Coffe dan bersebelahan dengan Solaria :) "
A Google User
" joa "
19 May 2018Tara Dika Utama
" Tempat yang bagus, terdapat banyak pilihan resto untuk berkumpul bersama keluarga seperti 'Rice bowl yang menyajikan menu seperti berikut ini. "
09 May 2018Ika Setyawati
" Delicious and yummy food. Nice place "
07 May 2018Bagyo Widinugroho
" Bebek Peking siap santap..... Sedaap "
30 April 2018Arry Soemanti
" Sangat kecewa dengan pelayanan Rice Bowl lippo plaza 👎👎..
28 April 2018Pelayanan lama hampir 1 jam , kami datang duluan yg dilayanin yg belakangan dtg
Pelayan tdk ramah.. Tdk ada minta maaf buat kesalahannya 👎 "
Ayen Center
" Very slow & unpolite waitress. "
27 April 2018Iif Fitriyah
" Kualitas daging ayamnya d perhatikan dunks... Blom mateng semua.. Jadi gmana gitu "
17 April 2018Cecillia Noffy Sulaiman
" Sebelumnya sy mau tanya?
04 April 2018Apakah karyawan rice bowl di mall @ alam sutra diajarkan sopan santun dlm melayani pembeli?
Pd hr minggu jam 12.00 tgl 1 april sy mkn dgn kelg psn 4 mcm menu. 2 mcm sama yg 2 mcm lg beda menu. Yg anehnya 2 mcm yg sama kok yg kluar cm 1 porsi. Yg 1 lg mana? Sy tanya sm mbanya SETELAH 10 MENIT KEMUDIAN. pikir sy msh positif knp stlh 10 menit sy tanya. Mgkin tkg masaknya bikin 1 porsi 1 porsi. Ternyata luuuupaaa mbanya blg. Si mba blg maaf TIDAK???
sy tggu lg sampai 10 menit.
Jadi ud gak nafsu mkn saya.
Setelah itu sy pggil mbanya utk byr. Blg TERIMA KSH PUN TIDAK.
JD males yah mkn di temp ini.
Ternyata tanya2 tmn jg bgtu.
Asem2 mukanya. Tlg para supervisor di perbaiki utk plyanannya & etitudnya. "
Melita Suardian
" Worst place to eat. Worst chicken rice ever, they serve not fresh chicken. Mine taste very bad. Even i need to walk towards the server to order. Because they busy chit chating amongs them even tho the resto has customer. We need to wait long enough for the food to come. "
11 March 2018Jimmy Sn
" Another bowl of rice "
06 March 2018Run D
" Enak "
05 March 2018Boby Gustanam
" Hainanesse noodle & Hongkong Fried Chicken set has average taste, sweet & sour chicken is better, overall this rice bowl is good but perhaps the taste of food for most Indonesian is a little awkward (kind of). "
18 February 2018Prabandari Wadjdi
" "Morning glory"
07 February 2018Dua kata itu mengusikku waktu ngeliat daftar menu..... pesen itu aja deh... nyobain .... barengan dengan menu lain kayak ayam telur asin... tofu goreng dan nasi goreng...
Deng.. deng ✨✨ pesanan datang...
Over all enaaak semua.... ga salah pilih makanan nihhh.... Menu "Morning glory" kulahap abis.
"Morning glory" ternyata tumis kangkung. Kangkung ternyata punya banyak nama alias waktu klik klik browsing, antara lain water spinach, water morning glory, water convolvulus, morning glory, hingga ong-choy... 😬😬😬 "
Aditya Halim
" The food is tasty... and the price is also fair... but the menu and the real food never same... "
15 January 2018Gaza Viryagie
" Pertama kali saya makan disini langsung kapok.
11 January 20181. Harga sama makanannya gak sesuai. Rasanya biasa aja, porsi sedikit, harga selangit.
2. Kembalian saya harusnya 32 ribu entah gimana cuma 30 ribu. Pas ditanya 'ini emang diambil 2000 gitu ya mas?' dia jawab 'oh iya maaf lupa'
Nice. Bye "
Qomari Sniper
" Rice bowl ccm "
08 January 2018Him Him
" We asked for non spicy meals and black coffee, but they delivered spicy food and caffe latte 👎 "
02 January 2018Septyadi Akbar
" Cozy place. But lacks of services such as not clean table and tissue not available. The food is average "
30 December 2017Pierre Pattipeilohy
" Very well seated upstairs. Sat there nicely. Because of AC it might get a bit chilly and whiffle after a while. The bubur was very nice served and a fine taste. I took the plain menu, good feeling in te stumach.. "
22 December 2017Reza Nurhakim
" Good food "
10 December 2017Shahab Nasir
" Quantities are small. But most chicken items are ok. If u happen to order their fish bowl it is just a bowl of rice topped with soggy fish skin and cornflour "
03 December 2017Tamtomo Daniswara
" View bisa lihat ke arah parkiran... menu makanan lumayan enak... "
19 November 2017Ahok Ahok
" Tempatnya bagus. Santai dan nyaman. Banyak pengunjungnya. "
27 October 2017Yahya Yanto
" Nice place to eat "
21 October 2017Budi Kurniawan
" Cheap price for 2 or 4 persons packages. Taste OK. "
02 October 2017FX Budi Widyatmoko
" The taste is not easy to forget. "
01 October 2017Rambu Pranidhana
" Makanannya standard, pesan ikan dori goreng pedas minyak terlalu banyak daging bumbu hanya terasa di tepungnya dalam daging ikan tidak terasa, beef kailannya juga standar serat daging ada yang masih keras, salted tofu juga mengecewakan tidak sesuai dengan ekspektasi "
30 September 2017Siswana Purwadi
" Tempat nyaman, ada outdoor, pelayanan bagus makanannya lezat, harga wajar "
22 September 2017Bambang Triyadi
" Pelayanan Ramah, tempat di ground floor, pembayaran cash, debit, kartu kredit. "
21 September 2017Amura Tourtravel
" Kedepannya tolong yaa biarpun trainee mohon trainernya melatih secara benar dan mengawasi traineenya.
04 September 2017Makanan saya tak masalah, enak allahamdulillah. "
Ias Naibaho
" Lovely place, as good as other rice bowl branch but bigger than usual! Quite warm but still cozy, though. In a hot day, it could be hot! The service is good, and they provide a bell in each table to call the waiter, which I found it's unnecessary cause the waiters are everywhere. "
27 August 2017Adi Kuncoro
" Harga agag mahal, tp rasa lumayan, dapat kopi gratis! "
24 August 2017Rahardiyan Ferdinanto
" good area around "
30 July 2017Arwin
" Pesen paket keluarga, ber4 paslah. Rasa makanan enak. Cuman satu yang bikin keseeelll lalatnya banyak banget sliweran 😠 pdahal kan tertutup dan berAC. tolong diperhatikan ! "
16 July 2017Bearl Vlack
" Pernah kesini dan tertarik untuk kesini lagi... "
02 July 2017Jimmy Tannoto
" Kungpao chicken rice "
30 June 2017Rafa Khaliza
" It was ok i guess,the taste is average,the price is quite expensive,and the atmosphere is pretty cozy but narrow "
17 June 2017Tanto Kurnia
" Dengan harga bersaing, namun pilihan menu cukup banyak "
14 June 2017Aprilian Sw
" Faforit di rest area KM 57 "
08 May 2017Lenny Suryani
" I love love love their rice bowl! Much better than their Japanese competitor.. "
29 April 2017Harry Breton
" Good food. Clean place. Service is good. Not expensive. The waiters are polite. "
16 March 2017Rendra Hertiadhi
" The place is always packed during lunch hours. Good food. "
08 March 2017Danny Sentosa
" Rasa enak.. walaupun porsi tidak sesuai pic "
19 February 2017Jimmy Budiharjo
" Some beef is chewy "
16 February 2017Novie Noviean
" mantap "
16 February 2017Side Young
" Makanannya yummyy tp harganya lumayan mahaal "
03 February 2017Angela Tanesha
" Makanan cepat dimasak, tapi kadang lupa dimasakin, mie goreng terlalu asin :( "
02 February 2017Albert Effendy
" so so restaurant "
01 February 2017Grace Patricia
" So so "
17 January 2017Djoko Purwanto
" yummy rice meal sets "
30 November 2016Ivan Fadhil
" Go food "
20 November 2016Harry
" Small n simple place with nice food "
04 November 2016Yohanes Wahyudi
" Delicious "
10 October 2016Robby Suliantoro
" Enak dan terjangkau "
10 October 2016Melati Ekasari
" Good foods... really love the salted pepper tofu & everything combined with the chili oil 😋😋😋 "
02 October 2016Agus Setiawan
" Pelayanan cepat. Area non smoking ber AC. "
30 September 2016Suwandi Huang
" Mesti cobain "
30 September 2016Elly Suryani
" Tempat makan asyik abis ngemall di Palembang Icon. Porsi dalam mangkok itu pas banget. "
28 September 2016Dikra LM
" Visit this place at 28 August 2016
02 September 2016Pros:
-Very delicious food
-Casual and Cozy ambient
-Lot of food selection
-A little bit pricey
Overall, this is a very good restaurant. "
Manoj Prasanna Handapangoda
" Nice place, food is good n cheap. Quite a number of seafood options. clean good service n wifi too. "
31 August 2016Heru Tridarto Tirtowardojo
" Tutup permanen "
22 August 2016Yi-Ting Wen
" Food looks good on menu but in reality not so good. Not worth the price. "
02 August 2016Evan Li Yo
" Restoran yg terjangkau harganya. Ada spesial promonya lagi cmn 15rban cocok lah buat anak kuliahan "
" Okey "
19 July 2016Yuzzie Maharto
" Ok "
14 July 2016Irvin Shandy
" Nice chinese and local cuisine. The place can get quite crowded in dinner and lunchtime though. "
11 July 2016Aku Padamu
" Mantaaaap.. "
08 July 2016Erasmus
17 April 2016Menu yg disajikan berbeda dgn yg ada di gambar. Ketika ditanya, pelayannya bilang "oh, itu hanya ilustrasi"
Jadi konsumen akan makan sambil berilustrasi seolah-olah makan seperti yg ada di gambar "
Mas Dimas
" Enak ayo coba "
29 February 2016Ananggadipa Raswanto
" Enak ini tempat makannya, menu favorit saya disini: Bebek Peking dan Nasi Hainannya top berat. "
13 December 2015Yogi Adjie
" An alternative to Cibubur Junctions' TaWan, Sapo Oriental and Imperial. They serve quite the same menu, but I prefer those three mentioned earlier. "
23 May 2013A Google User
" Oishiii "
23 May 2012