Komentar :
Dayat Aguero (13/08/2020 00:57)
A comfortable place and residents who work together in the field of civilization
abdullah dolla kholiq (09/06/2020 00:30)
Asri bersih
Agus Tri Widodo (15/09/2019 02:48)
Perumahan yang bagus, tertata rapi, jalannya juga lebar, ada gerbang pintu masuk dan penjagaan, sayang sekali jalan masuk kompleks tidak bagus alias hancur, seharusnya bisa di cor dan aspal agar lebih nyaman. Setidaknya di cor beton saja lumayan. Untuk letak lokasi sudah termasuk di tengah kota, hanya 20 menit menuju ke mall PTC. Lampu jalan ada , pencahayaan bagus.
Setia Budi (09/09/2019 01:39)
Lingkungan yang asri, tanah berkontur sehingga sirkulasi udara baik, untuk air sumur termasuk berkualitas baik, mushala standar masjid dan sangat nyaman, shalat 5 waktu selalu ada, kerukunan warga mantul, perumahan dekat mall, sekolah setingkat al azhar, mudah akses kemana-mana.
Tina Tra (06/08/2019 02:01)
Hunian Nyaman, Strategis..dekat sekolah, kantor dan mall hehe
debby oksa (30/06/2018 05:43)
Silly Experiments Channel (27/09/2017 06:07)
For sale in Kaplingan land and 3 room house for sale:
1. Land of SHM 40 x 29 meters elite location in the DPRD Jalan Komplek Tanjung Harapan Sako Palembang. Can build 8 townhouses. Can buy 10 x 29 meters plot. Price per 750 lots or buy a total of 3 billion.
2. Land of SHM 16.5 x 15 meters in the Sako Baru Nature Complex on Jalan Sako Baru. Access can be entered from the Dogan Sako Intersection or the Airport Intersection (vegetable garden). Strategic because it is close to the intersection of 4 airports, schools, mosques, etc. Price of 325 million
3. The house is 2 floors and there are 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms in Komple Pusri Sako. Strategic house because it is near the main road and near Al Akobah II Mosque and Dira Mini Market 2. Price is 650 million negotiable.
Tina Saputra (06/08/2019 02:01)
Hunian Nyaman, Strategis..dekat sekolah, kantor dan mall hehe