Komentar :
Putra Herman (10/06/2019 16:38)
Shariah homestay. you get what you pay. thats all.
Fadhsal (04/05/2019 21:48)
Cheap, good and clean
Nurhayati Caniago (17/01/2019 02:38)
Good place..
Tew Lay Toh (21/10/2018 16:38)
The location is not so near to popular facilities. No proper shop for my dinner, the hotel does not have kitchen or cafe .The entrance to the room is from outside the building. It worries me because there is no ledge on the door for added security. I had to buy a mosquito repellent despite assurance from counter that if you keep the door closed there should be mosquito free.
Nita Thamrin (09/01/2018 06:53)
Comfy, quite & clean, nice & responive staff. Very affordable
Raden Yani (15/04/2018 08:00)
Good Muslim Hotel
Patria Goldenidea (10/03/2018 16:07)
MY Production (09/03/2018 19:54)
Travel Umroh BMP Sumsel (24/05/2017 09:55)
Good Hotel
Dewi S (13/02/2017 02:16)
For the second time set foot in Palembang. This time join the program implemented by HPA International - "Seing is believing to the Radix factory in Palembang". Jom stay at this hotel ... pretty simple and appropriate with budget.
Hartina Ganbatte (18/11/2017 22:55)
Nuansa islami
noNa harda (25/10/2017 07:53)
Allhamdulillah 😂😂 baru selesai di renovasi untuk tampak muka depan hotelnya 😂😂 semoga pengunjung tidak kesulitan untuk singgah di hotel alfurqon ini 😄😄
the art puspi (30/09/2017 11:14)
Aisye Al-Fatih Zahra (09/07/2017 11:06)
Tempat menginap yang cocok bagi yang mengininkan nuansa islami didalamnya
RM aminullah (08/07/2017 16:25)
Elegan. Islami.aman nyanan
Sriwijaya Grafika (16/04/2017 16:43)
Mantapp..! Aman dan nyaman
win communication (07/02/2017 02:39)
Harganya terjangkau pelayanan ok makanannya jg enak. Pasilitasnya jg ok.
Romy Mukromin (20/01/2017 15:06)
Hotel yg nyaman dan bersih, tapi airnya kurang kencang dikamar
Daffanovyo Pasha4 (18/12/2016 08:23)
Ini sekolah saya
Imam Rifai (11/12/2016 23:21)
sandi santoso (29/08/2016 11:24)
Nyaman dan islami
Mas Dimas (20/02/2016 11:24)
Salah satu hotel yang bernuansa islami. Pelayanannya yang cukup baik, ramah dan sopan