Komentar :
Boi Bangun (28/05/2018 07:14)
This is an old hotel but they are upgrading their building and make some renovation!
hang lekir (20/05/2018 13:15)
Istirahat sejenak 4 jam dilobi atas kebaikan resepsionis setelah perjalanan jauh 8 jam.
Johan Maliki (21/04/2018 05:15)
Yah lumayan.
Tati Maulana (27/01/2018 04:42)
Dekat mall PTC
Nadhirah Aryanti (27/11/2017 04:06)
Terletak dipinggir jalan menuju sekip ujung didepannya ada tmpt makan yg enak. Pondok abeng. Ada indomaret. Ayam gepuk pak gembus
Imanuel Antonius (13/12/2016 09:10)
Low Fare hotel...very clean and best for low end budget. just one click to public transportation
Ruslan Tan (25/01/2016 00:07)
My Family Live near that hotel, so I feel close to that...
Andi Jaya Saputra (18/11/2015 02:18)
This place is quite good
The hotel rooms are small, but the price is cheap. The AC isn't cool enough, and the shower doesn't work. I only recomend you to stay for one night or just for them who want to stay not for long time
Didie Rinie (29/08/2017 01:06)
Lokasi bs d tmpuh dgn kendaraan apa pun, pelayanan lumayan bgs, hrga trjangkau & bad room lumayan bgs jg.
Muhamad Muhtadin (13/03/2017 15:29)
Mantap hotelnya
Pidi Hariani (18/02/2017 01:23)
Nyaman dan bersih
Suwandi Huang (30/08/2016 08:29)
Hotel kelas melati
Yudhi Andra (19/03/2015 18:31)