Komentar :
Aprilia Indah (02/05/2018 14:46)
Kampus kecil tp kualitas oke dosennya ramah2
Alan Pedro (16/02/2018 08:31)
Tempat kuliah yg bagus murah dosen2 nya keren2...sya minta daftar angkatan stie sbi kluaran thn 2002/2003 dhonk..
Mardianto Tiro Putu (24/01/2018 13:50)
Kampus sederhana menyimpan kekayaan ilmu 🤗
FX Budi Widyatmoko (27/12/2017 07:55)
Sekolah tinggi ekonomi yang baik.
Muhammad Rifqi (11/11/2017 14:34)
The place where I studied! Nice classes with the good lecturers. It got grade -B- on national accreditation. Very recommended college for bussines man with its saturday and sunday class!