Komentar :
khoirunnisa diandra (18/05/2018 06:33)
Tempatnya cukup nyaman untuk berkumpul bersama teman2. Pizzanya enak! Worth it bgt dengan harga murah bisa ngerasain pizza enak gitu
Ria Andriyani (30/03/2018 11:28)
Blackpizza beef lada hitam nya nyatu banget rasanya,mantap pokoknyaa
Purie Kurnia (27/03/2018 03:31)
too loud music and near the main street, cannot have a conversation.
Daniel Snellius (04/02/2018 02:15)
Ainsley Vinall (23/11/2017 04:56)
Cosy pizza restaurant that also serves pasta dishes, milkshakes, and chips 🍕 We ate here as vegans ordering a cheeseless mushroom pizza and it was great 🍄 The pizzas are quite small so be sure to order one each rather than sharing, prices very reasonable 💱
Hanif Sadegga (19/08/2017 17:13)
I like this place 😄
Hero Agoes Santoso (01/12/2017 14:10)
Sy order via gojek.. jd ga bs komen penampakan tempatnya.
Roti pizzanya enyak... sy order pizza super cheezy dg extra toping keju dan beef. Maknyosss...
SUKSES buat Pizzachology!
selamatdatang bahagia (06/11/2017 09:33)
enak pizza nya. yg blackpapper jg enak. takeaway pun msh hangat..
Dyah Ratri Wulandari (27/09/2017 08:41)
Enaaaakkkk....nggak bikin eneg.
Deci Vennamiati (20/09/2017 13:58)
Black pizzanya recomended banget 💗
Vincensius Anjar Trilaksono (08/04/2017 11:51)
Enak dan murah...jossss..👍
Yana Roester (08/04/2017 10:17)
Pizzanya enak ...harga murah .