Komentar :
Lutfia Prihanani (29/05/2018 14:58)
Belanja disini murah kalo bareng2 .. patungan.. cuma mungkin barangnya kualitasnya kurang begitu bagus...model juga gitu2 aja dari tahun ke tahun
Ana Zahida (06/05/2018 00:10)
Nice family mall.
Alhada Habib (24/04/2018 12:47)
Matahari lippo koleksinya gak terlalu lengkap untuk pakaian brand-brand kelas atas gak ada. Lebih lengkap yang di matahari hartono mall.
Irwanto Sm (10/04/2018 15:17)
Belanja baju, sampe puas, lengkap
Erma Indri Astuti (10/04/2018 05:14)
Tempat belanjaaaa favorittt semuaaa serbaaa adaa., palagi selalu adaa diskon setiap harinya
Bayu Dewanto (15/09/2017 10:14)
Siipp. Good place.
Olivia S (15/05/2017 07:41)
The price is cheaper than the other Matahari Department Store in town. But the service is than others in town. Sorry to say. But really, I can see some staffs gather together while joking around or so and not doing their job. I have to call them almost screaming so they can help me to look for stuff. And when I ask them to find the box for ties, they said that ties don't come with any box or packaging, just because the all the drawers below the display are locked. But I still insist them to look for the box because I have bought ties before. And then BOOM, when they opened the 3rd drawers, they all can see so many boxes for wallets, belts, and ties. What's worse is that they don't even know which box can be used for the ties and I have to choose it myself.
Satrio Wibowo (22/08/2016 05:13)
You'll get good price if you have member card
Arica Andara (26/10/2017 02:22)
Ada beberapa tenant yang sudah tidak ada lagi, apakah mungkin karena di sini sepi?
meditation channel (10/05/2017 09:22)
ngikutin si lippo nih coy, ada didalem lippo, keren-keren
Prima Abadi (18/03/2017 13:18)
Sebenernya ok sih tp entah knapa ndak pernah dpt brg disini
salma raudyah (06/01/2017 16:45)
Sukaa buat Nongkrong sama team
Hermawan Budi Santoso (18/12/2016 09:58)
Tempatnya nyaman
Aan Saptyo Aji (15/11/2016 03:59)
Tempat belanja nyaman di Jogja ..