Komentar :
Seeraz (03/05/2018 12:15)
Owner nya ramah dan asik buat diskusi, hasil pengerjaan oke dengan harga reasonable 👍👍
Rahma Dwi (20/04/2018 08:00)
Joss pokoke 😂
andy wiliyana (20/03/2018 13:37)
Pengerjaan nya rapi n mantab keren pokoknya
Sanjaya Na (10/02/2018 08:02)
Sip pokokmen. Saya kesini cuma minta dipasangkan bodykit, bodykit nya saya sudah beli sendiri. Mungkin lain kali klo udh bosen pingin bikin bodykitnya jg disini. Harga wajar, gak mahal
87 channel (09/01/2018 16:08)
Bengkel cat mobil, body repair, modif.
Bernie Adeney-Risakotta (28/12/2017 05:56)
Highly recommended for an excellent job at a modest price. I have a Toyota Innova that had serious damage to the right front door as well as many smaller dents and scratches. Laras Abadi promised to finish the car in 10 days to 2 weeks. In fact it took them 16 days, in part because there was a lot of rain and holidays. I was glad they took the time to do the job right, in light of the weather. The car now looks "like new".
david reyza (08/04/2017 12:29)
Auto body repair
tony r (08/11/2017 13:15)
Cepat dan rapi harga standart
Eko Budi Sasmito, ST (09/05/2017 16:01)
Bagus buat tambahan refrensi
Tri Wardhani (26/04/2017 07:41)
Tempat terbaik untuk segala urusan perbody-an mobil, cat, bodykit, repair, dll.
Andy Sulistio (25/11/2016 12:08)
Bengkel autobody otomotif
Sarga Kusma (24/11/2016 12:02)
Top markotop..
Andre Sugi (12/12/2015 03:32)
Solusi males claim asuransi ke L.A aja. Hasil rapi. Joss