Komentar :
raditya pramono (08/06/2018 18:15)
24hours! wow great! so I could deliver at night after works, very helpfull. I ever experienced 1a.m deliver and they still welcome to me. like it.
but the place maybe too small for large number of consumers.
Zunot Al-Wahyu (03/05/2018 14:01)
Nice enough
dony akhja (01/05/2018 06:37)
Kantor Perwakilan JNE yang merupakan kantor pertama JNE di Yogyakarta. Buka melayani 24 jam. Semoga kedepannya disediakan antrian. Kalo antriannya panjang, bisa makan bakso atau mie ayam dulu disebelahnya. Hehe
Ali Purwanto (16/07/2017 15:32)
Sending anything
nurfitri fitri (01/07/2017 11:44)
Good place
Riu Agung (19/09/2016 08:37)
19 September 2016