Komentar :
Kiana Puti Aisha (11/04/2018 16:38)
the design is unique, so many interesting books, worthy visits!
Hasbullah azis (30/01/2018 14:22)
Great place for finding visual art literatures and archive
Ardian Murdianto (09/01/2018 07:41)
One of the best place in Yogyakarta, Indonesia Visual Art Archives, we can say IVAA is good place for workshop, screening also discussion and many more. Don't forget about the library too.
And they have cool people in there also awesome atmosphere when you go there. And for you, who like Instagram, this place is Instagramable. 😅
Good vibes!
Rizky Kharisma Putera Abdan (13/11/2017 14:10)
If you are man or woman, interested in art . This is one stop place for everything !!!
Rahmat Hidayat (19/10/2017 17:32)
The location is a bit in a crowd of society. Cozy place to read
Krisnawan Wisnu (08/06/2017 14:36)
Great place I did my internship. Getting insights about art, communities, friends as warm as a cup of coffee!
Nunuk Ambarwati (06/09/2017 07:59)
Lembaga pendokumentasian/arsip seni rupa di Indonesia. Bisa pinjam buku gratis disini. Kalau kesini bakal tambah pintar. Banyak acara seru, workshop, diskusi, pelatihan, dll. Disini kayak surga ilmu.
Ari Widya (11/08/2017 03:42)
Nice place with library
dobelden s (07/07/2017 14:43)
NGO yang concern dibidang pengarsipan Visual Art di Yogyakarta
Ratih Purnamasari (06/07/2017 18:02)
Belum terorganisir dg baik untuk archive2 terbaru..
melisa angela (18/04/2017 19:46)
Piles of books, documents, and space for making forums about art.
jogjaindependent residensyproject (10/02/2017 08:38)
Need info on Indonesian arts, here's the place
Dea Transetter (07/02/2017 23:17)
Tempat nyaman, akses diberi rambu untuk mempermydah pencarian
Christine Toelle (01/01/2017 15:25)
Great range of book collection, specialized for those in interest with visual art. Easy to join membership, great hospitality
yusuf habibi (20/04/2016 09:40)
sebagai perpustakaan visual art, IVAA juga sering mengadakan talkshow maupun sarasehan yang berkaitan dengan seni rupa dan desain.
nur rokhman (01/02/2016 04:33)
Koleksi pustaka tentang berbagai kesenian terasuk seni rupa lengkap tersaji disini. Seringkali diadakan diskusi menarik.