Komentar :
Nur Rachman (28/04/2018 12:13)
Amat sangat tidak recommend!
Di aplikasi fasilitas ada tv, kipas..
Tv aja dianter pas komplen..
Nah kipas? Katanya kipas ga masuk buat kelas ekonomi..
Sedangkan harga di aplikasi sudah termasuk kipas dan tv..
Harri Ribowo (22/04/2018 10:19)
Not bad for Motel class
Rezare A (16/04/2018 17:53)
A hotel that seems deserted and poorly maintained. To the management of this hotel, my advice is that you better look into the complaints made by the previous guest or complains made to you by your staff about the poor condition of rooms and hotel amenities. I had a frustrating experience booking a room at your hotel. The air conditioner unit does not function at all.
I have to bear with this condition for two days. Imagine staying in a room with no windows to let fresh air in as the full glass panel which was supposed to be the window is completely sealed adding to the inconveniences of the damped environment and smelly room. I was given a chance to change room but unfortunately the said room had identical problems with the room that I was allocated to. Yes, the air conditioner does turn on, but blowing out warm air only.
The bathtub was there just for display purpose only with no function at all. The face wash water sink had a leaking water outlet and the bathroom is in a very bad condition and it seems the bathroom floor was never cleaned properly.
The door knob for the room badly need replacement. I wished the property owner himself feels and experience sleeping in a hot, humid and poorly ventilated room just for one night and he will surely understand what I am complaining about.
You charged me at a rate of a three star hotel, yet your service deserved no star at all. Please, don't cheat your customer just by offering your room at discounted price but yet you refused to upgrade the condition of your property. Come on, at the rate you charged me, I can get much better hotels around Jogja.
Lastly, I wonder why it's so difficult to talk to your hotel receptionist. Most of the time the call goes unanswered. Do look at your receptionist counter, it looks more like a rubbish dump to me. Pity how many of your hotel guest has left extremely disgusted and disappointed.....never to return.
Aldy Hafil Ananda (09/04/2018 07:07)
Murah dan nyaman untuk hotel sekelasnya
Desi Anita (21/02/2018 22:11)
Sorry to say that mendingan tutup aja daripada ngasih tamu dgn fasilitas mengerikan kek gini
Ranjang yg pegasnya dah keluar2 seprei yg kuning dan bau
Bener2 zonk banget
Rahmat Wibowo (17/02/2018 16:11)
Hotel ini adalah bangunan tua, sangat membutuhkan renovasi di segala sudut. Saya menginap di kamar tipe ekonomi. Kamar mandi ada kecoanya, closetnya rusak, cuma pakai ember buat nampung air, ada bathup tapi saya enggan memakainya karena terlihat aneh (maaf kotor), tidak ada kipas angin, apalagi AC jadi malam2 agak panas, tidak dikasih air mineral sesuai yang ditulis di traveloka. Keunggulan hotel ini cuma 1 yaitu cukup strategis, mohon untuk pihak manajemen hotel lebih memperhatikan kondisi hotelnya, sayang banget kalau hotel ini terabaikan.
Nuhan Hidayat (16/04/2017 06:56)
You called this crack house a hotel???
Pustaka Pakcik (25/01/2017 14:07)
Mini hotel
Ayu P (26/10/2017 04:15)
Pelayanan bagus, fasilitas kamar sesuai dengan app traveloka yg sblmnya sudah dipesan. Namun kondisi hotel merupakan bangunan lama yg akan dilakukan pemugaran. Untuk keamanan sangat bagus krn setiap malam akan ada orang yang brrgantian jaga.
Meiriza Falla (12/10/2017 01:34)
Not recommended. Pelayananan buruk, kamar ga sesuai sama yg dipesan. Kotor dan pengap. Gak layak untuk tempat menginap. Mending gak jadi check in drpd harus tidur ditempat kayak gt
joe arsa (29/09/2017 22:49)
Tempat fasilitasnya buruk sekali.. kamar mandinya mengerikan... air bak mandi keruh berlumut
Ranto Kurniawan (09/09/2017 02:32)
Hotel yg nyaman, namun bangunan sudah tua. Jadi kamar mandi agak kurang nyaman
Nuril Rofaizin (13/07/2017 07:12)
Parkiran nya luas
Putriayu Ningsih (29/06/2017 06:12)
Semua pelayanannya payah (kurang bagus)
Airnya sering gak ada, mati-matian mulu
Beberapa kamar ada yang kotor, kamar mandinya juga ada yang gak bersih ...
Jack Rea (26/05/2017 10:21)
Lumayan buat harga hotel jogja..
Tia Atun (06/03/2017 03:35)
Hotel ini kurang memuaskan ,coba di renofasi lg biar lbih Bagus
Ardia Handayani (03/02/2017 10:19)
Bersih dan nyaman , namun masih kurang diminati karena lokasinya
yogi kristiyanto (17/01/2017 04:32)
Ternyata ini tempatnya, materi kuliah Analisis CVP Hotel Citra Yogya 😂
latief febrian (26/08/2016 01:11)
Berapa permalem ?
Rudi Hermawan (06/06/2016 10:39)
Tempat istirahat pas liburan ke yogyakarta. Nyaman tempatnya.
alfan mio tryder (21/05/2015 00:23)
Singgah sini persiapan test lpdp