Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Catholic Church Of Sacred Heart Of Jesus

Bantul, Yogyakarta
Klasifikasi: Gereja
Alamat: Jl. Ganjuran, Jogodayoh, Sumbermulyo, Bambang Lipuro, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55764, Indonesia
Rating: 4.70
Telp: +62 274 367154
Jam Operasional:
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 2:00 – 9:00 PM
Sunday: 2:00 – 9:00 PM

Komentar :

gabril elman (21/05/2018 08:41)
Awsome place, keep ur mind calm release ur stres 😊 great place for pray

Clarissa Chandra .T.A Naomi (14/05/2018 09:10)
Love itt! One of the best churchbi've ever seen in indonesia

Lima Hendra (16/04/2018 08:40)
I do believe it's such a beautiful place that has a very relaxing ambiance, who ever you are, even if you have no interest in any type of religion.

Christina Syah (09/04/2018 14:06)
Gereja Hati Kudus Yesus Ganjuran, selalu ingin kembali ke sini saat berkunjung ke Jogja. Patung Hati Kudus Yesus dengan konsep Yesus sebagai Raja, selalu mempesona. Waktu terbaik untuk berdoa di sini adalah saat malam hari. Jangan kaget, bahkan di malam hari pun, banyak orang yg datang untuk berdoa.
Gereja nya juga memiliki konsep unik dengan adat Jawa, dan terbuka.

Vera Trisno (24/03/2018 13:40)
Calm and peace, a blend of buddhism, hinduism and catholicism and traditional culture

Silver Surfer (01/02/2018 09:23)
This is a beautiful and peaceful place for praying... There is a Candi style building just next to the Chruch where the statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus in an ancient royal Javanese traditional clothes... It gives a different feeling when we pray in the Candi in front of the statue of Sacred Heart of Jesus...

Yulia Widarti (28/01/2018 06:43)
Why? Well....tgus Catholic Church is awsome the place is very big a temple to a restroom abd a giftshop outside

Alexius Adhitya Khrisnatama (15/12/2017 12:39)
Quiet place to pray. The atmosphere is very relaxing. But it will be very crowd on Passover and Christmas.

andre alim (22/11/2017 12:27)
Got to say it look a little weird at first because the jesus and virgin mary statues are modeled after those hindu gods alike models.. It has a very relaxing ambience around it.. very nice open air concept.. theres a souvenir shop here, and loads of food stalls at night just outside the church's gate.. oh and theres a "temple" like structure right in the middle of the square where pilgrims can pray to jesus.. unique!

Patricia lt (22/10/2017 09:52)
Nice place for meditation. Especially for Catholic. But, if you are not fanatic, who ever you are, you may take a rest here

andrian's (11/10/2017 09:02)
Quiet place, suitable to calm your mind. Quite far away from crowded. Even if you have no religious reason to visit this church, it's still worth to be visited because of the uniqueness, a temple that usually used by hindu or buddha here they use it as a church.

ferganata indra (03/10/2017 03:34)
Visitors can find inner peace in this place. It's quite quiet during week days.

Astrid Glory Florentie (22/09/2017 16:09)
Beautiful place. A quiet place of worship. Many pilgrims come here to pray. Church with a 'pendopo' and has a distinctive temple.

Yosi Dian Permata Pertiwi (15/08/2017 06:45)
Nice place, greeny and quite enough. The place shows the javanese culture of building also Jesus's statue. The place suitable for you that mostly doing meditation. You could stay to sleep there but you have to bring sweater or blanket. It will be very cold in the night. 😉

Mia Ratri (30/06/2017 14:22)
I love being here. Quiet and peaceful. Makes me feel close to god..

FX Budi Widyatmoko (30/06/2017 01:59)
Good place to do contemplation, especially when you are frustrated, depress, try find solution to your life problems, please come and find the answer. Can stay overnight spacious area for taking a nap and take shower. There some food kiosks sorrounding the church.

Stevani Setiawan (29/06/2017 01:29)
This church has a relaxing ambience. There are also some spots to pray like the church itself, the temple, or the praying room. You can also see the relief told us about via dolorosa and the beautiful javanese style church. It is best to go here early in the morning or in the afternoon.

Lidwina Rosaria (28/06/2017 12:58)
There're many times this place is too crowded, but quite comfy and peaceful

Gregorius Gede Wiranarada (18/06/2017 11:50)
A peaceful and perfect place to get closer to Jesus. It's beautiful in the evening.

Fransiscus Prawirasmoro (29/04/2017 10:11)
Religious Experience for Catholics. Unique fusion of catholic and local traditional Javanese Culture

Mariano Alexis (29/04/2017 09:33)
This place is peace, magic , secret, sacred place. I love it's spiritualism. Must go and see.

Willy Gunawan (17/04/2017 14:06)
I felt a total solitude praying here. A very unique javanese style church, they even hold javanese languange mass.

Olivia S (07/04/2017 16:45)
Best place to find peace and to pray!! This place indeed very beautiful especially when you come during the evening or night!! 👌👌

Blasius Fidusia (19/02/2017 04:32)
Sacred place.

Bernardia Arumsari (02/02/2017 07:18)
Peaceful here. When I was a child, this place seems bigger but now it's not that big. Still catch peaceful atmosphere though. Come at night or day, there are also food outside the church that worth to try.

Antonius Anggoro (24/12/2016 07:32)
This place is always great....

Johanna A (25/08/2016 07:53)
This lovely Catholic Church is located way out of town but it's always pleasant to go there. It was renovated after the Jogja earthquake in 2006. The Jesus of the Sacred Heart temple that people pray to is located within the church grounds. Masses are conducted in Javanese on Sundays and First Fridays Eve (Thursday nights) of the month.

Yohannes Boedi Wibowo (08/05/2016 19:01)
the place open 24 hours.... in the night it's fell more peacefull....

Antonius Satria (02/10/2016 15:38)
quite n peace
Berkah Dalem

Rakyan Rachman Bimoseno (22/08/2016 15:32)
Berkah dalem

eko murwanto (05/07/2016 12:06)
Berkah Dalem

ig wahyu (25/06/2016 09:08)
Semoga tmpat2 ziarah Ganjuran, dsb tetep terjaga kesakralannya n selalu bisa beri damai dihati, gawe ayem tentrem ademing pikir, bagi mereka yg mempelihara tempat2 ziarah beserta keluarga jg peziarah jg diberi berkah melimpah, berkah dalem

St. Wisnu Kumara Jati (08/04/2016 18:27)
ayem, tentrem, peaceful sanctuary

Andreas Deddie Ariyanto (12/03/2016 09:19)
Berkah Dalem...

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