Komentar :
veta mandra (22/06/2018 15:29)
Wahana air murah meriah di bantul sebelah timur.
La Ode Sapta Akhirudin (18/06/2018 09:22)
Buat basah basahan sih cukuplah, kalau mau seru seruan bukan disini tempatnya, kesebelah aja.
Singgih Prasetyo (17/06/2018 05:52)
Affordable entry, food and bave. Happy kids
heru setiyanto (29/04/2018 06:07)
It's nice to be here on week days, to crowded on weekend
Indhira Putri Pamungkas (23/04/2018 04:53)
Nur Azizah (19/03/2018 21:28)
Good swimming pool for family
ngawenrun AryA (18/03/2018 06:47)
nice for weekend
Ravenshea Atmoko (01/02/2018 06:02)
Dimas Witjaksana (14/01/2018 03:38)
Fun & cheap for entire family
Shakti Rahadiansyah (17/10/2017 20:59)
Swimming pool and waterpark around Plered Bantul. It has a common average facilities. It consist of three main pool: kid, medium and adult. A bit narrow space. Food seller are moving around offering their meals. One thing need to be concern is that the floor in kids pool made of white stone that relatively coarser roughness surface.....
Mahrus Elsingo (27/10/2017 18:15)
singo was here
Alexander Jlamprong (14/09/2017 06:19)
For the kids are good enough
Bangun Winandita (09/07/2017 14:40)
Waterbyur 👍
syaiful hidayat (01/07/2017 10:54)
Good waterpark
Aldino Suprima (02/05/2017 17:47)
Rahmad Rasid (01/05/2017 12:02)
Wonderfull land!!!
ruaya. co (12/04/2017 19:36)
Fresh Water
Muflih Kholidin (25/02/2017 07:55)
Good place for swimming with friend or family
Arvianeutron Computer (23/02/2017 12:55)
udien rastafara (09/02/2017 02:33)
Yuli Mawarti (30/11/2016 07:01)
too late open hours
Besitua Fendi (15/11/2016 22:16)
No food allowed
Aming W. Widono (20/08/2016 07:10)
Better visits at weekday than weekend. Feels like private water park at all. The lack is there are too much cafe up there. So it makes uncomfortable a long the sellers are pretty much disturbing visitors.. although the prices are relevant.
©2016 | AMING.id
tiika kartika (19/08/2016 01:00)
Arif Budaya (26/08/2016 04:22)
Tempatnya enak, insya Allah aman buat anak2. Utk orang dewasa ada kolam terpisah.
R indar (18/08/2016 05:39)
Tempat rekreasi keluarga yg asik
Dhea Pravita Kumaladevi (24/04/2016 05:14)
mantab, harga sewa2 (loker, pelampung, gazebo) terjangkau, airnya ga bau kaporit..
sangat recomended kalo lg nyari tempat renang / main air buat anak2
nb. anak dibawah 3th ga bayar..
Anelka Septian Widiantara (17/10/2015 08:17)
Love it!!