Komentar :
Gunawan Utomo (12/04/2018 15:36)
Yuk ngopiii..
lita dwi (01/11/2017 02:21)
Santai kaya dipantai
Arie Haryanto (30/09/2017 08:24)
Good place for hang out at night, with high speed internet connection
Abdul Muntolib (02/09/2017 04:25)
Nyaman free wifi up to 10Mbps ..good lah pokoke
Putut Ptj (03/08/2017 10:07)
wifi free
Satrio Teguh (10/10/2017 13:59)
bima ardin (19/09/2017 07:43)
susu jahe terbaik. tempat luas murah bersih
Cah Trengginazt (02/09/2017 04:25)
Nyaman free wifi up to 10Mbps ..good lah pokoke
Agus Kuntara (22/06/2017 12:26)
Menu blm komplit
wahyu kuncoro (28/04/2017 05:45)
Ceker ayame mantebs