Komentar :
backpacking_id INDONESIA (18/12/2017 10:53)
This place just across Sheraton hotel, so it's easy to notice, there's 4 chairs out of the door for costumers who waiting for his friend shopping or to wait your Uber driver or just for smoking. Cheap price, easy to notice this place from the road.
A Google User (18/12/2017 10:53)
This place just across Sheraton hotel, so it's easy to notice, there's 4 chairs out of the door for costumers who waiting for his friend shopping or to wait your Uber driver or just for smoking. Cheap price, easy to notice this place from the road.
jouk gal (17/09/2017 02:21)
good for quick shopping
andy aw (11/08/2017 09:02)
Good minimarke with rest area.
Prabowo Seto (05/07/2017 01:27)
It's just another convenience store. What else do you expect?
Martha Octavia (09/02/2017 11:45)
The closest one to my house. Very convenient.
Paulus Tanoyo (21/11/2017 06:53)
mini market yang lumayan lengkap stoknya
Dardiri Dardak (02/09/2017 02:47)
Not simple
Frankly Christober Pamian (26/08/2017 04:21)
Quick shopping
Amalia Pangesti (30/06/2017 02:14)
Good place
Ika Sari Ika (01/06/2017 21:32)
Close to my workplace
Agustina Sriwilujeng (30/04/2017 01:15)
Tempatnya menjual barang sehari-hari yang lengkap. Terkadang banyak juga promonya. Tetapi tempat duduk di depan / teras toko kurang memadai
Muh. N. Dewantoro (13/03/2017 12:20)
Get some snacks and drink before you fly
Leonardus Wicky Kenang (30/01/2017 05:04)
Ghaitsa Kenang
Leoxane Eirene (12/12/2016 02:05)
Pelayanan ramah. Susunan rak barang agak kurang baik, sehingga agak lama menemukan barang yang akan dibeli. Parkiran kurang luas untuk mobil. Parkir mobil tidak gratis. Ada parkiran motor.
damar rahayu (14/11/2016 09:06)
evi panjaitan (09/11/2016 04:25)
ada atm bca
Sunaryanto Anto (07/10/2016 03:28)
Lumayan buat ngobrol
Hetru ari (19/08/2016 06:21)
Tempat nyaman, mudah terlihat, sejuk, karyawan ramah, selamat berbelanja.
Fahmi Auliya (21/05/2016 17:09)
+ Tempat yang cukup nyaman sekedar melepas lelah setelah melakukan perjalanan.
+ Lokasi sangat strategis, pinggir jalan raya, di depan hotel Sheraton
+ Buka 24 jam
+ Toilet
- Dulu pernah ada gazebo dua buah, sekaran sudah dihilangkan. Mungkin agar area parkir lebih luas maksudnya.