Komentar :
Kartiko Ye (01/05/2018 14:38)
Masih asri
Togashi DarkFlame (22/04/2018 03:24)
This place is beautiful, still needs improvement here and there but worth the time,
konan susanto (17/02/2018 07:59)
Nice waterfall ... Cool clear water with greenish reflection of the trees surrounding.
I suggest to come via South path (if using maps) ... The Northern path is seem nearer from the city, but the road is in bad condition. The South path (via Dlingo - Playen street) seem farther from the city, but the road condition is better and shorter way to the waterfall.
Better visit here in the morning in wet season (december - march) ... It will give best moment with the sun rays spot at the pond. In dry season the water will dry out.
Vedo Blaze (13/09/2017 16:11)
Nothing left here..
Melisa Syahril (08/09/2017 13:42)
Well I came here when it's really dry, but I can see it will be good place when in rain season
Thaumyn R (04/09/2017 12:58)
This place is not worth the trouble. The fall has no water anymore. There are some huge pipes going to the fall. I lost a lot of time energy getting this place. Total disappointment.
Budi Santoso (09/04/2017 11:45)
Nice place but still need improvement for the facility.
Bakat Terpendam Official (27/06/2017 08:37)
Bad street
Natalisa Krisnawati (07/05/2017 22:52)
Need more improvements and facilities
Dian Marhamah (16/04/2017 15:58)
Airnya seger banget. Jalannya agak naik turun sih. Tapi gpp, pas masuk air capeknya langsung ilang.
Rendy 1982 (05/03/2017 23:33)
Aji devv (12/02/2017 15:48)
Maaf kemarin sempat berkurang itensitas airnya karena ada perbaikan.. Tp sekarang sudah selesai dan sudah di buka lagi.. Silahkan berkunjung lagi ,,terima kasih
Wahyu Juana Cute (08/01/2017 04:43)
Bener2 mbolang nih
By Nikholas (04/12/2016 06:28)
Cakep, tapi sayang airnya rada tersumbat...ga ngalir..
Rahmat Putra Setiawan (25/09/2015 05:47)
Murdi Yanto (28/06/2015 05:21)
Adi Mulia (08/10/2016 22:35)
makin keren......mantap
elisa abu yasin (16/07/2016 04:06)
Harus pas musim hujan
Rhewoock Cronosh (24/05/2016 23:56)
Sulhan Qumarudin (24/11/2015 22:15)
Airnya mengalir deras disaat musim penghujan.
lunar stella (20/08/2015 23:30)
Airnya hampir kering, jalannya rusak, mungkin harus dtg saat musim hujan
Muladi Dwiyono (27/04/2015 00:21)
Keren abis..