Komentar :
Yulia Afriyanti (30/05/2018 16:31)
Favorite place
dhila adilah (02/04/2018 06:39)
neni sami (02/04/2018 05:54)
If you dont have wifi at home and have alot to do online...this is the best place
Aldinel Fiqri (31/01/2018 05:28)
Ignis Weiser (30/12/2017 10:36)
fast internet
Erry Pradana Darajati (22/11/2017 00:17)
Hangout place for internet Hunter. There are a snack shop open till 22 pm. Just make sure you buy the voucher for yourself and not from the shop, because the internet can be slow when you buy the voucher from the shop
Nugroho Hasan (16/09/2017 12:36)
Full speed, hope speed here follow me to home
Endfinity Star (10/12/2017 08:29)
Nice place
Iqbal Ramadhan (24/08/2017 07:14)
Rest room so far
Akhrianto Hasit (13/08/2017 12:00)
Speed wifi standar, not recomended.
Zulkifli Saruni (31/07/2017 00:46)
Nurhayati Nur (18/07/2017 23:26)
Kadang lancar, kadang Iya
abdul ajis (18/07/2017 06:23)
Tempat wifi super cepat, dengan suasana yg santai dan ramai.
andi ardias (15/07/2017 16:00)
Mantap tawwa klo jam 3 subuh
wahyudi alwi (23/06/2017 10:59)
Naaah! Tempat favorite utk download film, streaming youtube dan bola sepuasnya hahaha
alfian indah (04/06/2017 06:19)
Buat akses internet lumayan. Apalagi klo tgh malam.
achilles grey (03/04/2017 15:17)
Bagus sih. Tingkatin toletnya