Komentar :
Chef Felice (26/04/2018 11:50)
Jenguk anak temen disini.. kamar anaknya bagus banget.. adem. Private bathroom.. sendirian kamarnya. Pakai wallpaper lucu.
f you (05/02/2018 17:21)
2 times hospitalized in here, 2 times being saved by the hard works from the doctors and nurses. real life story i thought i was a goner the second times i got hospitalized again due to my serious health conditions. but the performances of the staffs are really great. absolutely speechless to describe how does it feel to be survived from the death. thank you for saving my life dear doctors and nurses.
Felix Tunggiono (06/08/2017 10:03)
This hospital service is still relatively "slow", but in terms of patient handling, it is quite good (8 out of 10), and this hospital is also equipped with lab equipment that is quite complete.
Safrina TAAJ (17/03/2017 09:19)
one of the oldest hospital
Yosep Binus (02/12/2016 02:52)
Asyraful Anam (09/09/2016 16:48)
budhi tjandra (06/07/2017 15:21)
Friendly Hospital
Nugroho Hasan (23/04/2017 00:06)
Historical Hospital
Putra Sawur (15/03/2017 18:23)
Damianus Mian (05/02/2017 14:43)
Pelayanan prima dan berintegritas. Mengutamakan kselamatan pasien.
Ikut aturan, smua beres. Sama2 puas.
effy aristho (18/01/2017 09:06)
5 bln lalu sy rawat inap d sna, pelayananx baik dn smpai hri ini sy sllu berobat d rmh sakit ini
Friska Nasution (10/11/2016 13:47)
Memang merupakan rumah sakit yang disiplin tapi klo bisa stafnya khususnya yang menjaga pintu harus lebih ramah. Klo mank pengunjung datang d waktunya yang telat memberitahunya gak usah sampe menggertak..pengunjung keluarga tuh tamu bukannya maling yang harus dibentuk. Tolong lebih belajar sopan santun.
Barracuda x (20/08/2016 20:13)
bersih dan rapi
Linda Hesty (20/08/2016 14:43)
Ikon kota makassar
Nur Leyla (08/06/2016 07:10)
Rumkit tertua di mks
nawir222 (17/04/2016 00:15)
Pelayanan standar
Darman 89 (11/01/2016 03:09)
4 bintang dah