Komentar :
Rizal dg rewa (24/05/2018 01:58)
Securityx rama
Yoseph Adryan (04/05/2018 03:33)
Nice hotels for business trip even family trip..Easy to access and very easy to get to down town..Nice..
Juan Andre (28/04/2018 13:42)
Nice place..Good and comfie room near Losari Beach..Many nice and kind breakfast menu and also near to attraction..
Imaduddin Al Fikri (01/04/2018 05:56)
Bedroom, room service, and food is good
yusuf muhammad (05/03/2018 13:04)
Had lunch in the AGS Pattimura Same Hotel infront of to day
Olga Callista (10/01/2018 12:54)
Good service, but the toilet was too gloomy.. the food was so so..
noni sumahadi (09/12/2017 02:56)
Where Luxury is Affordable 👍👍
Ronnie William Matakim (16/11/2017 02:56)
The rest ia okay but the water tab smell dan test like mud... yuckkkkkk
denny ariasani (25/10/2017 07:15)
Daud Abdul Malik (24/08/2017 04:24)
Hotelnya bagus dan bersih, pelayanannya juga ramah. Kalo mau ke Losari masih harus jalan kaki 10-15 menit, lumayan buat olahraga
Obbie Hadrian (24/05/2017 08:22)
The best budget hotel in town.
aswidy cipta (24/03/2017 04:33)
Cozy, cheap. recommend
darman fauzan (18/03/2017 21:53)
Good meeting room
Puspa Cahyono (04/03/2017 21:57)
The rooms are neat and tidy. Mine didn't have mini fridge and hair dryer. No cupboard for storing clothes though there are hangers.
Rhyka Erhyk (26/12/2016 08:35)
Tempat yg romantis di tengah kota dekat dengan objek wisata dan pantai losari
Adhy Knight (17/12/2016 01:38)
Planning a Job
Awi Asus (20/11/2016 10:24)
Hotel ini nyaman dan relatif terjangkau. Berada dekat dari pantai dan pusat perbelanjaan emas somba opu. Akses ke karebosi juga mudah over all mantap dari lokasi yg strategis
Suwadi AP (27/08/2016 12:34)
Good hotel, clean and excelent services..one more the hotel is near with Losari Beach
Bagus Kasetyono (13/07/2016 18:36)
Cheapest hotel with good service in south sulawesi
Manji lala (12/07/2016 09:46)
Meskipun kamarnya kecil tapi lokasinya sangat strategis karena bersebelahan dengan Benteng Port Roterdam serta Pusat oleh2 Kota Makassar di jl. Somba Opu.
Jumardin Bin Asri (30/05/2016 20:51)
Suasanya nyaman, cuman tempat parkirinnya sempit
James Japardy (14/02/2015 11:12)
nanti liburan kami ninamp di sana