Komentar :
agus purnomo (05/06/2018 16:39)
Berrrrr, dingiiinnnn
Hasbullah Marwan (27/05/2018 14:24)
Ikhwan lt. 2, akhwat lt. 1. Adem, tenang
Muh Arif Syam (15/05/2018 00:58)
Tempat Tarbiyah Gabungan Marhalah Ta'rifiah WI
Rizki Silla (22/04/2018 07:24)
Kajian sunnah
Mudzakkir (12/04/2018 01:29)
Masya Allah,...Mesjid ini penuh history & menjadi destinasi untuk singgah menikmati "taman-taman surga" di Makassar
Gusti Bagus Nugraha (11/04/2018 03:17)
Banyak dilaksanakan ta'lim setiap pekannya
darwis abbas (06/04/2018 21:06)
Tempat orang-orang yang ingin menuntut ilmu syar'i
La Ode Muh Syawal (16/03/2018 07:55)
This is one of the best mosque in Makassar city. Every Saturday night there is taklim or lecture about islam religion. and the place is clean, there is six toilet and so many ablutions places scattered in several places. sometimes held blood donations event. in friday if you want to friday prayer there is no sound speaker so you can read quran quietly. and this mosque greatly implement the sunnah.