Komentar :
Moe Chanel (21/06/2018 14:41)
Gembel Kere (19/05/2018 09:36)
tidak ada kopi
Nina Marni (22/04/2018 05:15)
dhila adilah (02/04/2018 06:30)
Suci Rahmadani Artika (16/03/2018 10:55)
Need fast food? I love kfc so much, wherever it is.
Arnold Serestyen (16/03/2018 07:08)
They didn’t have fried chicken...
I’ve never been to a KFC where I was asked to wait for chicken to be ready. Cmon, it’s a fast food chain and the point here is the word “fast”.
Saifullah W (13/03/2018 19:40)
The service of the midnighit waiters was so bad
Iqbal Ramadhan (09/07/2017 09:34)
I love this place cuz theres a space for my kids to play 😂😂😂😂
Stanley Liem (18/09/2017 04:07)
Air conditioner not working well
m muchsir (10/07/2017 09:51)
Good services..go on
Azrul Sueb (20/06/2017 19:17)
For fast food lovers
Aliefrahman Mone (27/04/2017 18:04)
Clean and good place..
A. Rajindra Pratama (16/04/2017 13:37)
Nice place to hang out with friends. It is a little hard to find parking spot in weekend
mar tono (26/03/2017 16:32)
everything taste good when you are hungry...
temanbermain kedai (26/02/2017 07:33)
great experience at services
Doug Smith (14/02/2017 15:04)
Wanted to purchase a can of pepsi and i was refused...told a cup of pepsi only. Not happy!
William K (26/01/2017 06:23)
Good seating, have outdoor tables, kids playground etc
Rizal MN (11/12/2016 19:46)
food and drink store
Go Pla (07/10/2016 21:13)
Ika Rezky Amelia (06/10/2016 23:45)
fast food!!!!
Asyraful Anam (09/09/2016 15:32)
chandra berly (19/07/2016 00:54)
Bisa lah
Ansar Langnge (02/07/2016 16:42)
Pelayannya ramah
Andi Saiful Dahri (26/04/2016 05:47)
Ada tempat bermain anak
Rita Fatimah Malonda (06/03/2016 13:29)
Salah satu pilihan tempat makan
Ghina Ars (18/08/2015 02:22)
Dekat dari rumah