Komentar :
Agus Salim (19/06/2018 07:06)
Nyamam dan ok
Misbachul Jannah (11/06/2018 14:11)
Humairah Raihan (27/05/2018 17:15)
Bail... Baxk promox
Rakhmat Ilhamsyah (20/05/2018 13:08)
Pilihan makanan di food court nya lumayan, giant nya juga oke
Icha laq (18/05/2018 00:19)
Nanang pranoto (08/04/2018 03:49)
Mohammad Suska (03/04/2018 10:38)
Cukup lengkap isinya, namun jalan di sana sering macet.
Mhalieq ST (16/02/2018 12:21)
Nice place
Irianto M (18/01/2018 06:28)
Good, sometime discount here
Cahyani Purnasari (30/10/2017 04:01)
lots of vegetbles, but too little choices for drinks
Yusring Sanusi B. (28/09/2017 05:48)
I was in this mall for shopping our daily needs. This mall is close to the main road, easy to access. The only thing that for some reason difficult for me shop here is its limitation of parking area.
Ferry Kristanty (29/03/2017 01:08)
Great place for shopping groceries. Lots of discounts. Not too crowded.
Professor Karikatur (10/08/2017 12:57)
Pusat perbelanjaan terlengkap di daerah Tamalanrea. Nilai lebih: ada beberapa food court (tempat makan), serta lahan parkirnya gratis.
Marianus Dam (28/06/2017 00:23)
Sangat bermanfaat...
Mardhatillah Ciymhe (22/05/2017 00:53)
harganya agak mahal
Medy Tonapa (10/04/2017 15:03)
Cukup murah, terjangkau disertai diskon menarik
Hatorangan Sitompul (16/01/2017 12:35)
Dekat, strategis, hehehe sering macet di jalan poros area ini