Komentar :
Paulus Bimo Wicaksono (24/03/2018 06:02)
nice convention center
Rifqi Naufal (13/02/2018 01:39)
Not too good not too bad for short stay
Ainun Najah (29/01/2018 16:14)
I just first time here for attending the wedding, kinda good
Atlantika Siva (28/01/2018 03:59)
Good laundry service
Hasna Fadlilatul (30/06/2017 00:09)
Low cost, big & cozy room except old building, good service, cottage style.
Arsyadani Ahmad (20/06/2017 11:17)
Elis Tanjung (15/06/2017 03:09)
Apita Susilo (05/06/2017 13:01)
So comfort
nico defri (06/05/2017 14:37)
old hotel, lack of maintenance. dirty and disfunction room.
Faris Labib Fi'ilmi (27/03/2017 14:08)
Hotel milik mitra pertamina RU IV ccilacap mulai fasilitas ya sudah lumayan kalau hanya untuk istirahat, parkir cukup luas dan tersedia cafe dan ball room yg biasa dipakai untuk wedding dan acara resmi pertamina, kamar tersedia banyak dan asri
Kalau pegawai pertamina cilacap dapat potongan harga
Dwi Yulianto (31/01/2017 06:28)
Milik pertamina, susah reservasi
Herullah Mukminur (28/12/2016 09:34)
Just good
Diem Wardiman (12/02/2016 11:14)
Kelik Gunantoro (27/01/2015 00:32)
Rahmat Didit (11/07/2014 13:18)
dedy erwin (03/06/2016 23:19)
lumayan nyaman dan harga terjangkau
Agus Purwadi (14/03/2016 02:00)
Hotel Murah Meriah punya Pertamina
I Putu Anggara (04/03/2016 03:54)
Pelayanan cukup baik
Humaina Hakim (28/05/2015 08:45)
lumayan hotelnya.. murah juga harganya..