Komentar :
Candra Lukito (23/12/2017 14:44)
Makanan khas pekalongan. Megono gurih dan rendangnya cocok buat sarapan. Kalau kesiangan biasanya menu sdh tidak lengkap
Didik Phapros (26/10/2017 13:51)
Rasa masakane Muantabbbbssss.....Super Megono....
Mu Fidah (12/09/2017 22:18)
An excelent restaurant. It's clean, the food are yummy. I suggest to order "Nasi Megono". The one in the pict is Nasi Langgi, it's yummy but not too special. The problem is if you are the type of all eating (need a lot of carbo consumption) mybe you'll still feeling hungry. But no prob, you can take the rice portion by yourself. And the price is standard. 15k-22k
Aris Nugroho Pranoto (18/11/2016 14:44)
Pekalongan Original Recipe
Glory Ekasari (17/01/2016 01:25)
The place is very small, and only opens in the morning. Signature dish is Rendang and Megono Gurih.
Daniel Hartono (26/10/2017 13:50)
Makananya fresh ..enak...harga terjangkau..recomended deh
Joshua Candra (27/01/2017 02:25)
Enak banget
Indra Januatie (17/01/2017 13:21)
Nasi megono gurih rebung,nasi langgi,nasi rames,rendang daging,otot dan lidah serta rawon/ gr asem terkenal sejak th.1960 an .sekarang generasi ketiga . Terkenal dg ns megono Ny Sie An.
Mart Pudjianti (26/12/2016 03:52)
Nasi megono gurih khas pekalongan ama rendang ya mantaap enak banget