Komentar :
Lee Sang (03/04/2018 13:31)
Terminal bis segala jurusan dari bis kecil sampe besar . angkot becak ojek taxi ada disini.
Denis Aris Setiaji (13/03/2018 01:56)
The best.
aliya yasmin (03/10/2017 09:24)
Nice place
soffa mustoffa (19/09/2017 01:33)
Terminal type A
Nuning Th (08/09/2017 10:36)
I love this place, there is a park there
Septian Nugraha (31/10/2016 13:28)
One of the best bus station in the country
There are education area for kids
Nuning haryati (08/09/2017 10:36)
I love this place, there is a park there
yusuf lukmanto (28/02/2017 13:42)
Kurang terawat, cenderung kotor. Banyak sampah dimana2 😥
Boy Andri (25/01/2017 02:51)
Tardjo Tardjo (06/09/2016 09:08)
Muhammad riad (01/07/2016 03:28)
Good information
Khasanah Siti (06/04/2016 10:37)
Is the best
Arif Syarifudin (06/06/2016 14:08)
Salah satu terminal terbaik di Jawa. Pokoke apik, aman, bersih, kece lah.
Inyong bangga dadi warga Banyumas hueheuehue
Fujiwara Tomofumi (01/06/2016 15:26)
Bagus, bisa buat rekreasi
Sugeng Santoso (22/05/2016 10:59)
Terminal bis purwokerto sudah semakin nyaman. Tingkatkan kebersihan dilandasan dan parkir bis.
Adi Bahari (17/01/2016 07:59)
Bagus cukup nyaman buat tunggu kedatangan.
Heriyanto Heriyanto (28/05/2015 21:35)
Very good