Komentar :
Siti Ratih Mutiara (27/05/2018 11:53)
Tempatnya cukup luas dengan produk yang bervariasi. Pelayanan cepat dan ramah. Kebersihan tempat terjaga. Namun, jika ada kekurangan hanyalah lahan parkir dan jarang ada petugas parkir yang membantu menyeberangkan setelah ke luar.
Nikodemus Gunawan (01/05/2018 16:36)
loft style by a little had adorned the store's inside on my consideration and many fancy items making it even more appealing. the frozen foods and baked goods were the items I might occasionally purchase, and while the prices were a bit high, grocery shopping here was a pure fun for me nonetheless
baby bluekookie (23/03/2018 06:01)
always visit twice every month to do grocery shopping. fresh and cheaper than other similarly stores. recommend!
Dr Timo (18/03/2018 11:06)
A medium supermarket. The price is reasonable.
little wizard (23/01/2018 08:30)
The place is clean and cozy. The price is affordable.
Sekaar kinanti (04/12/2017 12:25)
The place so clean and cozy.Iam always shopping in superindo
Kukuh Fachrudin (07/11/2017 10:52)
Fresh and healthy ingredients, you can also cook the fish that you bought.
Alif firdaus Hidayatullah (05/10/2017 08:36)
This place good for a quick shop option
Aris Suko (10/09/2017 05:15)
Tempat favorit belanja barang2 fresh
Rizki Darmayanti (21/08/2017 05:04)
Its simple whole sale supermarket. And the price just so fine
Aldous Wiraputra (01/08/2017 11:14)
Place to get fresh products in Magelang. Nicely organized, helpful staff.
Candra Aji Setiawan (30/06/2017 11:36)
Convenient place for everyday shopping. The place is clean, goods are well sorted, fresh foods available, wheelchair friendly, parking is good.
Putri Maya S (18/05/2017 09:02)
Good place to shop
Wahyu Hidayat (28/04/2017 04:06)
Belanja mudah tapi jgn lupa bawa bag belanja sendiri yaa
kamboja jawa (08/03/2017 09:53)
Cozy place to shop
Fajar Sinta (12/02/2017 02:58)
guramenya nyamie...nyamei
Juniarti Rahayu (11/02/2017 13:42)
Kelengkapan kebutuhan sehari terutama produk segar nya. Gesek available, ga harus tunai. Parkir cukup. Pinggir jalan utama, mudah dijangkau angkutan umum.
Nikolaas Saputra (22/01/2017 22:41)
A nice super matket with many varian of goods
Raden Agoes Wirjawan (31/12/2016 10:01)
A right place for shopping in this city, you can have everything in it, a nice and a comfortable shopping center, you' ll never forget it when you are in somewhere ...
Ayahe Sheva (31/08/2016 04:47)
Provided the fresh vegetables, meats and fruits
Daniel Kurniawan (12/10/2016 02:10)
Cigaret KretekCom (25/08/2016 06:19)
Kacek sepuluhewu timbang Trio Plasa... mahal hiks
thiam hwie (11/08/2016 11:17)
Murah, berkualitas
alief alif (26/04/2016 01:29)
Biasane kesini kalo mo beli ikan bakar, tp sayangnya skg ga bisa, alatnya lg rusak..hadeeww...
Karina Wibisono (26/02/2016 01:33)
Tempat blenjong endhes di deket tuguran 😘
Fadli Fahrijal (30/12/2015 01:42)
Tempatnya bersih
rizal anggoro (26/12/2015 09:47)
mari sini ke rumahku ada ngempengker's loh
Dika Mandiri (28/08/2014 08:35)