Komentar :
raveno rohman nur (30/03/2018 03:59)
Unity of Sciences and The Campus for Humanity and The Civilization
Bang Roey (23/12/2017 03:47)
Untung Fatoni (06/01/2017 10:12)
Great university. .
basuki rahmat (16/05/2016 08:49)
I love this place for islamic study
manar abdurra'uf fatin (26/08/2013 16:36)
iain walisongo semarang is having 3 campuses in ngaliyan. the first campus is near to jrakah road. the second campus is next to it. it is not so far from the first one. only for about ten minutes walkin' or about 200 meters in distance. the third campus is also near to campus 2. it only 5 minutes by feet.
Ibn Khamdun (05/07/2017 12:05)
UIN Walisongo Semarang, merupakan salah satu perguruan tinggi Islam yang ada di Semarang. Ada beberapa fakultas diantaranya FUHUM, FITK, FDK, FEBI, FPK, FISIP dan SAINTEK. ada banyak program studi yang bisa diambil. Dan untuk biaya administrasi yang terjangkau untuk umum.
Budiyono Sargede (04/07/2017 06:18)
One day
Adi masiko (17/10/2016 01:00)
Alfi Nurul Qudry (16/10/2016 05:00)
said shinigami (27/04/2013 11:45)
wes joz,,, islamic iducation
Izun Hamidah (21/08/2016 05:47)
Sy pernah iku tes CSS mora disini. Suka :'
herry kuswanto (13/06/2016 22:45)
Islamic university
Gunadi, S.Pd. (23/05/2016 19:31)
Kampus 3 UIN Walisongi Semarang, mako menwa 906 ada di kampus ini
Itmamul Huda (20/02/2016 04:10)
Anwar ID (28/01/2016 01:36)
Fakultas Ekonomi, Syariah, Dakwah dan Perpustakaan Pusat.
Muhammad Maulana (06/08/2015 07:31)
The Best of Quality.....
arfa noor firdausi (23/09/2014 01:14)
Mulai transisi ke Uin walisongo semarang