Direktori Lokasi di Indonesia

Sikunir Bukit Dieng

Banjarnegara, Jawa Tengah
Alamat: Sawah & Hutan, Sembungan, Kejajar, Wonosobo Regency, Central Java 56354, Indonesia
Rating: 4.60
Jam Operasional:
Monday: Open 24 hours
Tuesday: Open 24 hours
Wednesday: Open 24 hours
Thursday: Open 24 hours
Friday: Open 24 hours
Saturday: Open 24 hours
Sunday: Open 24 hours

Komentar :

Aditya A B (02/06/2018 09:20)
kalo kesini pagi2. Siapin baju yang cukup tebel kalo gak kuat dingin. Siapin stamina juga. Karena nanjaknya juga bisa dikata "lumayan", tapi ya memang gak jauh. Begitu nyampe diatasnya bakal kebayar dah sama keindahan sunrisenya. Bener2 kaya lagi diatas awan. Bakalan bengong liatnya.

muba shiroh (31/05/2018 05:19)
Lokasi mudah ditemukan karena banyak petunjuk jalan menuju ke tempat ini.
Bisa dijangkau dengan kendaraan roda dua dan roda empat.
Terdapat lahan parkir yang luas.
Ada fasilitas kamar mandi bersih, mushola.
Tersedia banyak penjual makanan, pakaian, sampai dengan oleh-oleh.
Akses jalan baik

Ryan Tham (13/05/2018 06:45)
Great place to view sunrise beside a dead volcano! Lovely weather in 4am where the tempersture will be at 8-9 degree! You can see a breathtaking view of the beautiful volcano! But do note that you need to hike up 800m to see the breathtaking view! Awesome

GRACELINA Sutedjo (26/04/2018 04:08)
Awesome spot for Golden Sunrise view. Better visit around Juni - Sept. Make sure bring torch to hike

Marry Kusuma (21/04/2018 07:47)
Best spot to see sunrise in Dieng Plateau, for those stay in Dieng, you may need to start from 3-4 am as the climb can take 30min - 1hr.
It will be difficult to climb in rainy season as there is still dirt path near the top. The stairs also made from the stone, so it xan be slippery. Use a comfortable sneakers or sport shoes.
There will be a limited chairs at the top.
Once reached the top, it will be worth it. We can see a magnificent sea of cloud with multiple mountains.
When going down, don't forget to pass by the lake view from the top and also small lake near the car park.

bima jati Birawangga (15/04/2018 07:39)
Salah satu destinasi wisata yang wajib dikunjungi kalo kalian berada di daerah Wonosobo dan lagi berada di daerah Dieng

disini menwarkan keindahan sunrise dari bukit sikunir
tempatnya bisa dibilang tidak terlalu terjal, kalian bisa parkir mobil dipelataran bawah dan kalian akan jalan kaki

kalian bakal jalan kaki sekitar 30menitan manaiki bukit, jangan kawatir tersesat karna disini udah ada penunjuk ke puncak dan kalian akan bareng2 naik keatas sama para pendaki

tips: bawa jaket tebel, masker, kupluk dan sejenisnya, pake sepatu dan kalo bisa jangan pake sendal jepit. jangan lupa bawa cek cuaca atau kalian bisa datang kesini pas bukan musim hujan

Esterlina N (15/04/2018 00:57)
A great place waiting for sunrise. You have to take stairs to the top, and you can wait for the sunrise up there. There are lots of people in the top of the hill especially in weekend. You can also have a breathtaking view of mouintains up there. It is awesome. Don't forget to bring your jacket to warm you, beause when it's dawn, it is so cold up there.

Bernadeta Agustina (03/04/2018 20:27)
Good place to see sunrise, but sometimes we can't see the sunrise clearly if the weather bad. The path to the top are good and little bit slippery, avoid wear slippers. Don't forget to wear warm clothes. I recommend to come here on weekdays to avoid crowded.

kristina komalasari (18/03/2018 23:41)
Very nice. Hiking up around 30minutes with a proper stone stairs, better to start earlier if you want to see the sunrise. Don't forget to put donation for cleaning and stairs maintenance if you find a box with coins in the end of the stairs. And of course use jacket and gloves because it is cold there.

Yusan Prasetyo (23/01/2018 05:41)
Sikunir plateau is good place for basic mountain hiking. It's really stunning and the temperature is really freezing. June-July is -1° C. Two days ago, I went there 9-10°C. The sunrise was beautiful. You have to go there. For sure. I beg to you.

D S Lestari (21/11/2017 07:20)
unforgettable place, very beautiful scenery.. will surely be back

Fathoni Akhmad (17/10/2017 02:00)
Very cold here, but the view was cool! :D you can see beautiful sunrise from here

Fabian Ubong (12/10/2017 16:54)
The golden sun rise is a must. Temperature will get as low 7 degrees celcius. Just bring your gloves and jacket. High end phone is a must to take great pictures. Enjoy

Richard Ndruru (24/09/2017 14:41)
Best place for sunrise. You must walk in 1 hour to reach this spot.

Zulfikar Ilyas (21/09/2017 13:16)
Wonderful sunrise view, but it were really crowded, you have to start early to get spot else will be hmm..

Elisa Indrawati (17/09/2017 04:38)
Good place to bring your beloved family and friends for enjoying beautiful scenery. Elder and kids friendly.

Galih Wido Saputro (13/09/2017 15:10)
Beautifull sunrise with a mountain view, it's really above the sky, don't fotget to wear jacket, it's really cold, need take a walk to reach the top

Sari Rahmawati (03/08/2017 04:33)
Perfectly perfect spot to see sunrise. The temperature can reach -4 celcius degree. But it just reached 11 celcius degree when i went there. Better wear your warm jacket

Fery Chandra (08/07/2017 09:43)
Hike to the top. The view a is amazing.

Hera Wicaksono (04/07/2017 16:51)
Good view, good atmosphere, but don't go there in public holiday.

Dayu Pravitasari (04/07/2017 11:24)
a great place to see sunrise in Dieng Plateau area. be ready for the vertical track to be in this place.

Hadi Purwiyanto (03/07/2017 12:17)
Beautiful hill at Dieng Plateu, where you can see the sun rise. I went to Dieng on July 1, 2017 the day before crater eruption, Thanks God.

Novie Surya (27/03/2017 16:17)
Recommended to go during dry season (July-August). I went there during the rainy season, and after the high climb, the sunrise cannot be seen by the great fog covering it.

Nancy Chandra (26/03/2017 13:13)
We can not see sunrise today,because it was raining.maybe if it dont,we will get amazing view to look sunrise..

Sambal Ban714 (19/03/2017 01:58)
I recommended you to come here! You can see how beautiful the sunrise is. I'm sure that you'll never regret this.

Ferentika Eka (09/03/2017 15:05)
Nice trip, nice views 😃

andy aw (03/03/2017 13:51)
Best spot to shot sunrise on dieng plateu. Need good cardio to get there.

Steven Lee (20/02/2017 05:08)
One of the best place in Dieng area to enjoy sunrise. The hill itself is not really high, enabling all people with no climbing experience to climb it.
There are several viewpoints on the top of the hill, and you can see other mountains around the area (Sindoro, Sumbing, Merbabu and even Merapi)

havy fidarain (08/02/2017 03:18)
reach your sunrise there and you never regret

Raditya Dion (06/02/2017 23:12)
Don't forget your jacket, even if you live in the northen and Australia

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