Komentar :
Eunice h.r. (18/11/2019 14:28)
What a great school! Proud being part of this excellent school...fun learning methods, complete facilities, also the teachers are so friendly! We learn to be discipline, care about others, responsible, honest, and respect others too. Moreover, they have various activities and extracurricular that will develop your talent and skills.
Beverly S E (11/11/2019 06:12)
I've been in this school from since I was in Kindergarden, this school really teaches kids good manner and other than they have good facilities, but mostly language, they offer us something school in Magelang doesn't which is language, aside from English, Indonesian and Javanese they also teaches the student Mandarin...they also provide Mandarin teachers from China which helps student to get the language easier and faster :D
Ilham Sbth (11/11/2019 06:03)
i, as a student of this school, is very happy with the facilities and the teacher of this school. i am having a wonderful time being a student in this place. the varietis of language like english or mandarin help us in the future to better speak and communicate with people around the world
OBCraft (11/11/2019 06:02)
I'm a student from this school from elementary school,but now i'm in junior high school.This school is really good.The teacher is so good.The teachers teach us to be a discipline student like come to school early etc.The fasilities of this school is so complete than other school in Magelang.And the good things, there are 4 languages in here like Indonesia,Mandarin, and of course English too.We used international book for learn english.That's why my parents and I chose this school.
martinus sudartomo (11/11/2019 05:58)
Good place to study. It has complete facilities and offer 3 languages for the students.
Martinus Sudartomo (30/03/2019 01:56)
It is a good place for your kids. Great teachers too
agung franstyo (03/09/2018 13:41)
Sekolah dengan pembelajaran baru
iskak santoso (18/12/2017 12:22)
Waow 3 tiga bahasa
Simon Dewa (03/04/2017 03:18)
Unlimited parking lot that other school may not have
Yoseph Adhi (25/02/2017 05:51)
SBTH memberikan fasilitas dan pengajar yang berkompeten. SBTH memberikan pelajaran bahasa sejak dini sehingga anak didik dapat menguasai bahasa sejak dini dan kelak akan bermanfaat untuk masa depannya.
Fasilitas nya bagus, tempat nya luas, pengajar nya profesional, sistem belajar mengajar yang menyenangkan.
Habib Walidin (12/09/2016 00:58)
Sekolah Nasional Tiga Bahasa Bhakti Tunas Harapan (SBTH Magelang) merupakan sekolah nasional dengan jenjang PAUD , SD dan SMP. Dengan pembelajaran tiga bahasa Indonesia, Inggris, Mandarin dengan Native Speaker serta fasilitas pendukung yang lengkap. Lingkungan yang nyaman dan sejuk, jauh dari jalan raya.