Komentar :
Sani Aprianto (07/05/2018 04:24)
Too hot, but whaddya expect?
DION NGAPAK (24/04/2018 11:16)
Good job
nissan bukhori (20/04/2018 12:18)
Faishal Hendra (22/03/2018 15:00)
Fast internet,you can search more incredible files.up to 100mb/s...enjoy internet with a positive content. I LOVE TELKOM INDONESIA
Anang Yoga (03/08/2017 16:31)
This place has good wifi
Aziz Nur F (17/07/2017 13:08)
Best for using wifi in cilacap
Angga Ibrahim (26/05/2017 07:16)
Nice office
Zidane Amaral (21/01/2017 13:17)
Good to you if need the internet connection