Komentar :
Hepy Satriana (24/04/2018 01:14)
The place is quite difficult to get Hehe. But all of the neighbor are very helpful. They show us the way to get the store. No parking area, but again a neighbor help us to get a place for parking not so far from the store. The staff was very friendly and helpful, she explains clearly and we got all of the books we need. We join "1 juta 100 buku" program ,the real price is 30-35 for each book. Oh it's veeeryyyyy wonderful!
Hanny Famino (04/03/2018 07:34)
A little bit small, but enough to find some books
Siti Fata (15/02/2018 05:13)
It has a lot of cheap books
Robby Muhamad Fajar (25/01/2018 18:52)
Buku murah harga grosir! Namun tempat jauh dari pusat kota.
iqbal rizaldin (29/11/2017 15:59)
Toko buku sederhana yang jalannya cukup tersembunyi. Lebih baik menghubungi ownernya lebih dahulu untuk minta petanya. Buku yang dijual beranekaragam. Mulai dari sastra, Islam, sejarah, psikologi, budaya, dsb. Pemiliknya sangat ramah dan harganya jangan ditanya, murah banget. Sekarang lagi ada promo Sejuta Seribu buku, alias per bukunya cuma 10.000, cek langsung di IGnya ya
Muhammad Syafii (18/10/2017 04:42)
We can found cheap book here
Budi Suseno (26/10/2017 06:52)
Berada di tengah kota
kembarane azizah (24/09/2017 06:37)
Buku nya benar benar murah
Hanif Irfan Faruqi (28/07/2017 02:05)
Banyak buku murah
parmo black (30/05/2016 07:44)
Murah dan bagus bagus bukunya. Mantap