Komentar :
Reanda Rey (21/04/2018 15:45)
Ariessa Kushany (15/04/2018 05:58)
Nice hotel..
M Yusuf (28/02/2018 09:17)
rudi prastowo (04/01/2018 04:10)
Nice place to relaxing...
Nikodemus Gunawan (28/12/2017 06:00)
despite the fact that it's clean I don't really like the room because of the furnishing and the window which I guess isn't quite large so I like it only enough
anisa prastika (16/09/2017 04:38)
Staff Kind and Services Excellent
rangga rasyid (28/07/2017 07:01)
Its a really great place. The foods are good and the services are really great. And its always cold there. Which is fine.
Darshan Prem (12/09/2017 14:21)
Adi Krisna (11/08/2017 02:06)
Nice place
Pay Joe (06/07/2017 22:18)
Joo Yeongok (29/06/2017 04:57)
Verry Good
Cahyo Arianto (04/02/2017 00:48)
Hotelnya bagus,pelayanan kurang...belum mau cek out ,sesuatunya tidak dikonfirmasi pegawai resepsionis bodo
Kelik Putra (03/01/2017 08:34)
Tempat setrategis,dkt dgn Akmil,smu Taruna Nusantara,Artos Moll,Kantor Pemda Kota Magelang,padat pemukiman ( kampung&perumahan)
reza pewe (04/12/2016 14:05)
Good place
dirmawan hatta (18/10/2016 13:51)
Just nice. Too far from downtown.
Cigaret KretekCom (19/08/2016 04:10)
Tempat bagus buat family gathering. Even sometimes overpriced haha
Adinda Eva Oningingingtyas (17/01/2015 11:17)
Guntur Ramadhan (02/10/2016 12:56)
Dekat dengan SMA TN
Rifat Ilham (20/06/2016 04:45)
Tapi WIfI nya suka ilang timbul hehee
Hanif Donny (20/03/2016 14:35)
Harga kamar sesuai dengan isinya... Nyaman...dan berkelas...