Komentar :
Dinda Gianita (25/04/2018 02:34)
A place where you can find computer and gadget accessories
Ratih Probosiwi (12/04/2018 00:43)
komplit dan murah
Allam Rozan (04/02/2018 06:50)
Not bad
Fauzan Hermanu (25/01/2018 04:37)
Helpfull and fast respond via phone
dwi hantoro (03/01/2018 05:33)
Yusman Esso (07/11/2017 22:53)
Low to medium prizes
Lutfi Zuchri (22/07/2017 07:55)
cheap place to get basic computer peripherals
Wana Grafika (12/04/2017 14:03)
its OK
hanafi ahmad (08/04/2017 14:59)
Small but have what i needed
dhiko sanjoyo (05/04/2017 06:17)
good service
jack LD (26/03/2017 09:37)
Nice and comfy, good services
EKO SUKRISTIONO (13/02/2017 02:10)
Peripheral ok
Wendy (12/02/2017 04:29)
Cukup lengkap, terutama kalau mau beli sparepart 2nd spt RAM dll
afriyanto nugroho (28/11/2016 11:11)
Salah satu toko komputer dan pheripheral di Jogja yang sudah berdiri sekitar 8 thnan. Dari luar memang terlihat seperti toko biasa, tapi lumayan lengkap apabila anda mencari pheripheral komputer terutama komputer rakitan. Harganya pun bersaing. Dan sudah memiliki toko online.
Herrimawan djarot pribadi (27/11/2016 00:18)
Nice computer shop
Herlambang Romadhoni (12/04/2016 06:19)
low price that the others