Komentar :
eko setiawan (07/05/2018 10:13)
Lovely place!
Aditya Wisnu Mahendra (19/04/2018 00:27)
Clean and fresh
luwi darmawan (07/04/2018 05:44)
Bagus masjidnya
agil sandi (05/04/2018 22:44)
Adem, keren
Nunung Setyawan (03/04/2018 22:09)
Masjid yang nyaman untuk singgah.. Alhamdulilah...
Prasetyo Utomo (25/03/2018 06:03)
Nice place
Naro Tama (27/08/2017 05:55)
Big mosque with quite clean toilet but the parking lot rather small
Robiah Al Wardah (20/08/2017 02:04)
Clean mosque at the centre of the town. Really big and near from the shopping centre.
wahyu sahri (15/04/2017 06:58)
Big Mosque. Always love the Mosque
But the bathroom need to be more clean and repair the door.
Syahreza Real (27/06/2017 10:27)
Good mosque
Ahmad Nurrofiq (25/06/2017 16:04)
Beautifull mosque
muhdi anto (19/04/2017 11:03)
best spot to pray. beautiful mosque.
Hendro Wibowo (08/04/2017 06:12)
hendri setiawan (16/03/2017 18:24)
For Worship, Praying, Take a Rest, very refreshingly place
ririn safitri (09/11/2016 15:58)
mas totok (30/10/2016 08:21)
Candra Aji Setiawan (27/06/2016 05:46)
Classic Indo-Dutch Architecture. Hope they didn't change anything from the original building if there any expansion on the future.
HANAN YUSUF (29/04/2016 14:16)
John Cooper (27/12/2015 06:49)
Yogi Heart (10/09/2016 11:44)
Sejuk & nyaman. Lantai marmer, tdk sprti kebanyakan masjid. Parkiran lumayan, tempat wudhu istimewa. Parkir di dalam komplek masjid, jalan2 dulu ke Alun2.
Muhammad Ridwan (29/08/2016 14:54)
masjid yang bagus
Aulia Irfan Wazani (17/04/2016 11:24)
Leren disik ketemu gusti
Andi Nugraha (20/01/2016 15:39)
Sholat dulu
Shandy Arifiinds (15/01/2016 05:26)